Click below to listen to our interview with Mix 96 Live’s 2 Girls and a Guy about how Pretty Southern “broke” the internet in Charleston. We had to take the original post down, but y’all can read a local College of Charleston student’s post “In Defense of Charleston”.
Southern Charm-less: A City Girl’s Take on Life in Charleston
by Lauren | Mar 18, 2015 | Opinion | 405 comments

- Charleston Cocktails & Conversation | - […] recently broke the internet in Charleston after one of our bloggers let lose the wrath of a woman scorned…
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Do you go to Italy and excpect them to serve tacos and fried chicken? No. That’s ridiculous. So, what’s the issue with our restaurants serving culturally significant food that takes advantage of our land’s most bountiful crops? Do you know anything about rice in the South today or history? How about collards or peanuts?
What’s your issue with traditions and recipes that have been passed down for generations? You would prefer pizza? Okay, well let’s go ahead and close up shop so you can have your nice little pizza.
Do you know what “Soul Food” is? Do you know how it even came about? If not, do some research. I feel sorry for people like you. Sorry our shrimp n grits wasn’t good enough for you. It’s been good enough for locals for centuries before and centuries to come. Sounds like NYC is more of your thing. Ridiculous.
Derelicts? Oh, you’re talking about the people who came from slave families and generations of poor farmers? What the hell do you expect? Are you oblivious to the fact that many of our great grandparents couldn’t read or write because they were working the land/doing hard labor? Our schools were segregated until the 1970s. I’m sorry we couldn’t all catch up with you Godly outsiders before you decided to come in like vultures, scooping up our land and kicking out natives. By the way, our culture wasn’t one born of prosperity. Where the heck do you think dishes like shrimp n grits came from? How about hoppin’ john? Or sweetgrass baskets? A PERSON WITH A COLLEGE DEGREE? No, ma’am. It seems that you are the one who is “socially inept.”
People born in Goose Creek are considered Charlestonians. Just like North Chuck, Summerville, even Cottageville. She don’t get it.
Oi. Summerville native here. They ain’t ready for those Southern metal shows. m/
Why do Charlestonians get offended? Hold my sweet tea, hun. 😉
Maybe it’s because half of you don’t know anything about Charleston to begin with. You see our city at face value and have no real connection to the land and no desire to have one, either. To most transplants, Charleston is only another “pretty face.” That’s a shame.
Most natives here have been pushed out of the city because of the skyrocketing cost of housing. Skyrocketing isn’t an exaggeration. Take a look at Charleston real estate statistics for yourself. Here are some quick facts:
In 2018, the median price for a single family home on the upper peninsula was $481,000. Just five years prior in 2013, it was $280,000. Pretty much double. I wonder how locals are managing that? Mostly by closing up family-owned businesses that have operated for generations and selling downtown property to the highest bidder (hotels, nice). As the cost of living rises, wages are the same. And the sudden increase of the cost of living can be felt even in the most rural and urban parts of the Lowcountry. Take a look at North Charleston and even Hollywood. Which brings me to that funny thing about jobs that you mentioned.
Well-paying jobs because of outsiders? HA. That’s funny. Charleston would have been better off without Boeing and Volvo. We were doing just fine with our mom and pop shops, our farmers, our jobs at the port, our small family-owned restaurants, and what have you. 🙂 So, if you think that Boeing jobs are better than that, then you really don’t understand the Lowcountry at all.
We all know Boeing and the likes came here to get natives working for dirt cheap wages. Remember, wages in the South have always been lower, and it was fine. Everything here was cheaper. We didn’t need too much to live a nice, simple life. Well, that’s changed. I guess what outsiders don’t realize is that when they use their out-of-state wages here to buy our homes, flip them, put them up for rent, etc. Well, locals who have always had local wages just can’t compete. And nobody cares. Not our politicians, and sure as hell not all the people moving here because “it’s pretty.”
Let’s get this straight: Charleston is not NYC, Atlanta, New Orleans, or even Savannah. I often find that (most) transplants who claim love or hate for this city don’t know much about us, our culture, our history, our values, etc. Charlestonians are a monolith? That’s just ignorant. This is the land of the Edisto Indians, the Gullah Geechee people, old money, poor farmers, and more. Do we have a dark history? You bet. What place doesn’t?
Charleston’s is more “out in the open” about its dark history because you never need to look far to fine it via our plantations, our historic buildings like the Old Slave Mart, etc. But with politicians aside, the many Charlestonians that I know and grew up with get on pretty well. Most of us grew up with small town vibes, so a lot of locals are like family to one another, whether you are white, black, Indian, or mixed. Living in the South is about family and knowing your roots, both good and bad, prosperity and struggle. If you know what’s good for you, then you learn something from your ancestors and appreciate the things they worked hard for so that *most of us* could have a better life.
You think Charleston is racist? Wake up. It’s everywhere hun. Out-of-towners might not see rebel flags where they live because there was never a generation of confederates there to begin with! Instead, like snakes in the grass, NYCers and other out-of-towners mumble hate underneath your breath. You aren’t fooling us. but believe what you will. Ignorance is a bliss.
So there you have it. That’s what angers me about people like you. People who think you know Charleston better than the families who’ve been here for generations. I can’t believe I read in the above comments that you “can do everything here in a few days.” That’s hilarious. I’ve lived here since I was born, going on 30, and I am still discovering new things about the Lowcountry everyday.
Bless your heart.
> I will be returning someday to visit, as it is quite beautiful, but living there almost made me crazy. So glad I moved to Nola
I agree, but the only reason I’d return to visit is if you gave me an AR-15 and found a good country music concert like Los Vegas. I’ve liked in 10 US states and have never found a state so anti-social or perfect for genocide then Charleston, South Carolina.
My biggest gripe is how judgemental and isolating people are — and I’m a 30 year old white guy. I’ve made friends with millionares, homeless guys, stoners, gangs, and Christians…… just never met a friendly human in South Carolina. Lived there for 1 year.
I DO NOT SUGGEST going there unless you are going to unload your AR-15.
Lol funny blog. I am from ny and go through cycles of hating where I live, contrary to what people think NYC can be a shitty place with a shitty standard of living BUT people are much nicer than they are given credit for so long as you’re not catching them in traffic. That and practical concerns like job and distance to family probably the only thing that keeps me here. I went to charleston once and met a few people: the only person I like from there hates it. It is beautiful with nice shore which is enviable and seemingly relaxed standard of life, but the people there are inexplicably boring and arrogant. I don’t know about this southern hospitality lie either, a lot of southerners are fake as hell and not that nice at all, though they’re always patting themselves on the back for it. The biggest and most judgmental two-sided bitches I’ve met are from the south, especially those white southern belles. ‘Bless their hearts’ or whatever they say. I’ve only met a handful of nice southern women and they were from Georgia and North Carolina though that’s just my experience, could just be luck if the draw. Think I would have trouble making friends there at least real ones because I am not too great at identifying the fake assholes there. Regardless, any place can suck or not depending on your state of mind but id love to leave ny for someplace more peaceful and quiet where I can enjoy nature, haven’t figured out where though. But not betting on charleston too conformist and closed minded for me. Guess every place can suck but we all just have to be grateful for what we have and not whine so much as I have in this post. If you have a job, a home and a family or the most important thing, some kind of relaxing activity or spiritual practice I think that’s the most important thing. I pray or hope that I can either accept where I live and make peace with it, or go somewhere else but stop whining about it, though definitely have not achieved that level of mental nirvana.
I’ve been here since 2001 and don’t like it. If it wouldn’t have been for the Air Force bringing me here, I wouldn’t still be here. I am so looking forward to leaving Charleston. I enjoyed Charleston much more before a lot of people moved here. I don’t even know where I want to move, but it’s going to be a bigger city. I don’t like the South and can’t wait to leave.
I am a native Atlantan. I thankfully escaped to Dallas, Texas in 2006. Dallas has a lot of Texans living here with quite a few transplants, but Dallas has largely maintained its distinctive culture. People are very friendly here. Atlanta is much prettier than Dallas and the property taxes are much higher in Dallas, but the people are much nicer in Dallas.
The problem with Atlanta is that it is way too polyglot. There are too many people from everywhere but Georgia or even other Southern states. Some people are friendly in Atlanta, but most are cold. There are vitally no natives in Atlanta. You can go years living in Atlanta and not meet a native Atlantan. That is one big reason why people are so cold and stand-offish there. Many are aggressive. And yes, they will literally run you over in Atlanta. Atlanta has more pedestrian and bicycle riders hit by cars than any other city in America. I will never return to Atlanta.
Charlsston is not segregated. Now Baltimore, Baltimore is a Beacon of hope for humanity.
wow. you will not be happy anywhere. The Magic Kingdom sucks in your world I presume.
Nice word salad there. By invitation she meant the negative female came here on her own fruition. Atlanta most likely was humm…..semi-happy to have her return. Oh, Ive been to Atlanta also. It looks best in my rear view on my way to Nashville.
Most likely, she doesnt fit in ANYWHERE, So people like that have to put things down to make them feel good about ghemselves. Her best friend in Atlanta was probably joyed ( to her face) to see she came back.
❤️❤️❤️. Had to move here a year ago as my husband‘s job transferred him. I cannot agree with you more. Everyone who finds out I now live in Charleston act so jealous and as if this is the most majestic place on earth. It is an antiquated bougie shit hole. And I write this as I’m sitting on 526, during rush hour.
I used to believe that – after living and working in public schools in the Charleston area for 7 years – trying to convince myself that the things I saw and experienced couldn’t possibly still be sentiments stemming from such a dark history – I had to leave. I have lived many places – and I tried to settle down in Charleston- I have never experienced such exclusion and judgement on so many different levels – and different ways. It broke my heart to try to be a part of a community and make a difference and have to face the reality that I would never belong -and more importantly didn’t want to try to fit into anymore. Charleston is beautiful- but there is a historical “dark cloud” that hangs over this place. Many people who speak of Charleston also do not talk – or maybe have never been to North Charleston- or maybe live in Charleston but simply ignore its existence -and like most who don’t live in North Charleston- or some of the sketchy areas randomly downtown- understand that Charleston is not all beaches and partying and ACTING like you have manners. the growing socio-economic divide that exists amongst Charleston and the surrounding areas ESPECIALLY as a giant influx of people decide to move makes this a difficult place to live in my opinion.
The most accurate and insightful observation of Charleston. I lived there for 2 years and then married a local from “South of Broad” and thankfully moved away. It seems the residents who are so proud of their mud hole don’t get out much. Maybe because it is a long drive from there to an actual city with culture. If they do go anywhere, they are jealous of the superior restaurants, museums, etc. My mother in law did go to Paris and said “it is the Charleston of France.” Napolean complex, for sure.
The place is a disaster. The infrastructure is 20+ years out of date en masse. The roads shake your car apart, there’s standing water everywhere at what would be normal rainfall anywhere else, the power grid goes down in light storms and its ridiculously dark at night because the city is so poorly lit. The local economy revolves around food and bev which, is taxed higher than NYC! The big manufacturers ( Boeing, Bosch, Volvo and soon Mercedes) came here to rape the local labor force , not oay tax and take advantage of “right to work”. air quality stinks and you can smell the paper mill about 50% of the time. The weather isn’t so great either other than that it’s pretty warm in winter. In summer its more humid than Florida.
But please enjoy some low country boil
I agree with EVERYTHING you said about this city ! You are spot on ! I am married to someone from an ” old Charleston family ” and you are totally correct in everything you say ! I have lived in many different states before I was married, and this is absolutely the worst place I have EVER lived ! I cannot wait to get out of this phony, stiffly hot, stinky , backwards hell on earth of a place !
I know this was posted a while ago but I just wanted to say your post about Atlanta was SPOT ON!
Charleston’s lower income population is the least educated, least classed, least cultured compared to lower income populations in any other city. Charleston is a throw back to slavery. Charleston’s lower income could not navigate or survive anywhere else. Charleston’s lower income population are socially inept and incapable of growing with the city’s growth. In other larger cosmopolitan cities, lower income people just have less income but are not uncultured. Lower income means different things in other cities. In other cities, entry level and lower management professionals, artists and students, teachers and professors are lower income and lower income are the core and foundation of other cities. Charleston confuses lower income with derelicts. No gentrifying city wants derelicts.
Truest comment yet. Thank you.
Thank god for your comment Alex.
You’ve made up our mind to leave Charleston.
My fiancé and I couldn’t put exactly into words.
Charleston itself is very charming but the people are phony and cruel.
Not a good place to start a family and raise children.
The sad state of the schools doesn’t help either.
Charleston does indeed suck ass but not for any of the reasons you mentioned. I lived here a year and the reason why it sucks is because there is a bunch of rich, privileged a-holes in their business casual attire, riding around on golf carts throwing their money around downtown, luring in all those gold digging college girls. They live the high life, this is the city of the one percent, the old money, and then you have all these privileged rich idiots who come down from New York and think it’s cheap but still don’t understand that they are getting ripped off because all these old southerners know they can overcharge on everything and rip them all off with a smile and southern “hospitality”. I feel sorry for the poor folk that live here, they probably never had a chance to get ahead, the wage at most of the jobs for these people is pathetic and disgraceful, 10 bucks an hour is not enough to match the cost of living here.
This place, they call the Holy City is the root of all evil in this country and needs to be destroyed to be honest, Mother Nature has been trying every year with the hurricanes but has not quite succeeded yet, hopefully after i leave here, which is soon, there will be a massive hurricane the likes which have never been seen and it will wipe out all these old colonial houses and buildings along with Mt. Pleasant and Sullivans island and all that, and even Bill Murray too, fuck him.
I agree 100%! and I was born in Charleston south Carolina. it is a very correct post.
You sure do love our jobs though. Or have you forgotten that there was absolutely no work in Charleston before Boeing, BMW, and Amazon moved in?
I’m not going to go into the reasons why “being voted the number one city in America” by Conde Nast is about as useless an honorific as it’s possible to get in travel journalism.
I will say, though, that I spent two years getting to know the locals, and the author is mostly spot on. It’s a small town with a massive Napoleon complex. It’s nice enough for what it is – a tourist trap and three-day-weekend destination. But it really has little to offer besides that. There are a handful of great restaurants – Xiao Bao Biscuit, Co, Kanpai, Husk, and Heart spring to mind – and a large number of ok restaurants that think they’re great but crank out mediocre food at above mediocre prices (I’m looking at you, Hall’s Chop House – if your good got any more mediocre, you could pass for an Applebee’s. The Ordinary is also aptly named.). It’s also got a lot of restaurants that are frankly awful, that people nevertheless think represent the height of Cuisine – places like Salt at Station 22, Poe’s, everything on Market St.).
Which is a good segue into the people. My god, the people. It’s a city that seems to be inhabited entirely by the stereotypical Basic… well, you know the rest. The kind of people that actively strive to be as bland, uninteresting, and generic as possible. People who looked at the tract house suburbs of California in the 60s and thought “nope, these are far too interesting for me!”. People who think teal chevrons actually look good, or are legitimately fashionable. There are four kinds of people in Charleston, and most of them are awful, in an aggressively uninteresting way. People who unironically think Sullivan’s Island is a “great beach”. I’m sorry, but one of the key qualifiers of a great beach is that the water can’t be brown. If you can’t see your feet in water up to your knees, your beach sucks. Period. And the hipsters. Oh good the hipsters. I don’t mind hipsters, but I DO mind hipsters that are about a decade behind the times without realizing it. There almost as bad as the aging trust fund hippies.
But the most frustrating thing is the yet lack of curiosity about anything. This is a city that got stuck dinner around 1840 and hasn’t bothered since. Of the hundreds of people I got to know in my two years, I can count on one hand the number who regularly travel outside of Charleston for pleasure. I can count on one hand the number who read for pleasure, so long as you don’t count Harlequin romance novels and dreary southern period novels as reading. I can only remember a few people who genuinely cared about the education of their children, and it shows in the pitiful quality of the school system (public and private). My daughter went to the second best public school in the metro area, and the teachers couldn’t speak proper English. The museum’s (what museum’s there were) were bare and utterly lacking. There was just a distinct lack of interest in anything not revolving around Charleston. It was a city full to the brim with rednecks who thought they were somehow and despite all evidence better than rednecks.
And everyone knows it. Which is why we’re seeing this backlash. A city that genuinely has something to offer isn’t nearly this thin skinned. There are more articles written about how horrible my native NYC is every day than there are articles about Charleston, period. But by and large, New Yorkers don’t bother droping everything they’re doing to talk yeah about the authors every time. Same with my adopted home of Miami. Because there’s enough to offer in both cities that we don’t feel the need to storm the gates every time a minor blog says something that hurts our feelings. If Charleston was half as good as Charlestonians think it is, the city would speak for itself.
P.S. For everyone here talking about all of the outsiders leaving, I’d just like to point out that a decade and a half ago, Charleston was basically a crumbling ruin. The city only exists as a viable place to live because of outsiders. Boeing, BMW, Amazon, MSC – the outside companies and the outsiders that brought them in are essentially what keep Charleston from fading away. What little industry exists in the city that provides well-paying jobs only exists because of those outsiders. Hell, Columbia has more locally grown business than the peninsula and surrounding areas, and Columbia is awful.
Oriental is not a ethnicity you moron! SC education at its best. “Bless your heart, you ignorant ASS!”
Bravo and well said, my friend!
You’re an idiot! Charleston is full of racist people!
I moved to Charleston when I was 12 and never experienced racism until I moved to Charleston. My first child was born there and came home and experienced the same racism I endured as a child. I moved and haven’t regretted since. The regret is not going sooner. The people in Charleston are close minded, judgmental. I had a friend from up North come and visit and as soon as the bartender heard his accent he refused to serve him a beer. Charleston sucks and the people there suck, also! Don’t get mad because people hate your city.
Charleston is pretty. Yes. But once you get under the hood, it’s a mess. If you don’t have a Carolina accent, you are ignored. If you have issues with racist comments and the Union Jack, you are shunned. It’s not cheap to live there. I’m from MD and the prices in Charleston are higher. So are many of the taxes. The city is split, segregated. It’s hot and muggy as hell in the summer and it get hits hard every few years by mega rain storms and sometimes even hurricanes. Parts of the town are prone to flooding. Traffic in the summer is horrible. if you have money, are a racist and don’t mind intense humidity, it’s the place for you. But if you’re a normal person, there are so many better places to live.
“You can buy on the Battery, but you won’t receive an invite to the Cotillion “. It is still true
I think there is no right or wrong answer. Im from Miami and don’t like it. I don’t like Atlanta. I liked Nashville until it became overcrowded. I guess i just dont like overcrowded aka “large” cities! By contrast, I like Knoxville and will visit Charleston soon. Everyone ive met from Charleston has been incredibly friendly!
I agree with everything you said. Charleston wins the Conde Nast and Traveling awards for two reasons: 1.) They never go out of the historic area, and 2.) The get plenty of gratuities from the hotel and tourism industries.
If they had to set on I 26 or I 526 during rush hour I am sure the travel “experts” would change their mind quickly. The other illusion is that it is cheaper to live here. We moved here from Michigan and in the last two years we have found that everything except gasoline is more expensive. Property taxes are comparable, but sales tax and state income taxes are much higher in South Carolina.
Beaufort is the same way except we get all the snow birds in the winter that own half the property down here.
I just moved here and want to go home already!!! Can u come help me pack?! Lol
I fled Charleston after suffering a decade of the local faux hospitality and narrow minded young and old cronies. I find the place to be stifling and filled with opinionated picayune sycophants. Avoid Charleston. Come to Miami where we let people be creative and free, with few rules to hinder us!
It’s unfortunate that Charleston sucks bc it is a pretty place but I completely agree with what she said. I lived in Atl for 3 years and then moved to Charleston and been here for 3 years now. All I think about is leaving. i actually think the worst part about Charleston is the people. There is no southern hospitality unless you think fake is nice.
I’m late to the party and folks probably don’t check the comments anymore, but I enjoyed reading through all the comments and am sorry the original article isn’t here to read.
I’m a small town girl living outside of Charleston, been here almost six years, and it is absolutely one of the worst places I . . . no, that’s a lie. It’s the worst place I’ve ever lived, and I’ve lived quite a few different places and traveled all over the country. It’s the worst of both worlds – the worst of ‘small town’ and the worst of ‘city.’ I’ve been to all the festivals, seen all the sights, met all the people. And damn did I try to get along with the people – but I’m still an outsider and always will be.
I can see how it’s bad for young and single. Believe me, it’s also a nightmare for raising a family. The terrible schools, the xenophobes, the traffic, the heat, the stink of the paper factory, the ridiculous cost of living – this isn’t paradise, it’s an armpit.
Applause for your brilliant statement… ” wham, bam right in the clam” is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time. Thanks for one hell of a belly laugh.
Sweetly she was commenting on that in her article and I was responding with my thoughts that’s what these comment sections are for. And why wouldn’t you try to get people to see the world for other reasons than getting a partner? Wtf thinks like that
I came to Charleston from Athens GA in the 90’s after college. When I drove down for my job interview I thought I must have sign on my car that said, “Be Nice To Me.” Drivers let me in, let me go fist at intersections, people in stores or on the sidewalk were so friendly it almost freaked me out. When I moved down a couple weeks later I thought I was living in a Disney movie.
But it didn’t take long to do everything there was to do. And I get that some people find the “small town” aspect of Charleston boring after a short time. But that’s the nature of small towns. The thing to is enjoy living. If you can do that then Charleston is a perfect place to live or visit. If you depend on ever-changing entertainment then move to New York. (Seriously, New York is awesome too.)
I love Charleston, even though I’m not considered a true Southerner because I am from Virginia. But I come from Richmond, Virginia which is much like Charleston, in that it is very steeped in the “Old South” and traditions. In fact we have a “Route 5” here with James River plantations about 15 of them in a row, just like Charleston area. And I have great respect for Charleston and its people. I love the beauty of the downtown and the women folk in the area. Its expensive as heck, though! And I don’t know I could ever afford to live there. But its a beautiful place.
Well I came from Virginia and I got called a “Yankee”. That is just wrong! I’m as Southern as anyone here if not more.
Funny I live in Richmond , Virginia and aside from a few hipsters, we have Confederate flag wavers and sweet tea all over the place. I don’t see how living in Charleston would be much of a culture shock for you. Unless, of course you are from NOVA.
Same goes for you.
I’m also a local, born and raised downtown and my family has lived here for generations. I went to school/church downtown as I was growing up so I was a part of the downtown circles by default, but I always felt a bit like an outsider. The old money downtown culture is filled with competition and comparison (just like other wealthy neighborhoods in any city), but I do need to add that there are many loving and hospitable people living downtown. Nevertheless, I can definitely imagine feeling unwelcomed by the locals because I have felt the same way and I AM a local. My advice to people who find themselves in a similar situation as Jenn: find a new crowd of people to hang out with. You may not be able to choose your co-workers, but you can choose the people you hang out with on the weekends. There are good quality people living downtown, and you probably won’t find them at the bar scene. A good place to look for these kind of people may be at a young adult group in one of the churches downtown, like City Church. Yes, there may be some fakes but there are also some wonderful, friendly, caring people. Don’t give up on us yet 🙂
I’m sooooo glad! I wish all the transplants here felt that way and would MOVE back to wherever the hell they came from!!!
Why is it her job to do so? Do you issue a press release condemning the actions of every person who might fit your demographic? She’s a marketing professional – not the United States Secretary of Young Independent Women.
I’ve avoided getting into this for a bit, but this needs to be said – even if many don’t like what the original author said, the comments and reception of an OPINION piece are absolutely abhorrent.
1. There’s quite a bit of misogyny that few seem to even acknowledge here. Stephen Colbert pokes fun at his hometown on the regular. It gets laughter and warm reception. Aziz Ansari pokes fun at his home state in every set I’ve ever seen, and I could name countless men who send a jab or two about the state, as well as many others. A woman dares to voice her experience? At best, I see comments about how she hasn’t seen enough of it. Fair enough, but I’d doubt ANYone has seen truly “enough” of where they live. At worst, she gets comments on her looks, her rating on your own personal “bangable” spectrum, or her statement of being “unmarried by choice” is outright denied. You don’t know her. You don’t know her history. So you don’t KNOW if she’s truly “unmarried by choice.” Her appearance and whether or not YOU would date her is irrelevant – it has NOTHING to do with whether or not her opinion is allowed to exist. Even if YOU wouldn’t date her, guess what? 99% of women out there wouldn’t date you for one reason or another. Even those of us in the best of relationships are barely one notch above batting .000, and there’s all kinds of people who match up with all kinds of mates. It’s called being human.
2. I’ve lived in 5 different states – 3 Southern and 2 Northern. People have said negative things about all of them. Guess what? There were some valid points. No one lives in a utopia, not even Charlestonians. News flash: South Carolina, your shit stinks too. So does Georgia’s. So does every other state’s. Charleston’s does as well. The internet is full of “top X places to live/work/play/retire/whatever.” Everyone’s got a statistic or anecdote that embarrasses them – Miss Teen South Carolina, anyone? How’s your educational system? Not great from what I see. It’s OK. You’ve got cheap gas and other great qualities. Maybe you don’t have kids but drive a lot, so you hold cheap gas above great education. Maybe you’re the reverse and you’re fighting to improve your kid’s school and wouldn’t protest if the gas tax went up a little to help improve the roads. But putting your fingers in your ears and screaming that anyone who points out anything less than ideal is a bitch? Beyond ineffective in discourse, and you’re not winning yourself any allies. Attacking someone who provides a negative opinion about your home doesn’t make it look like paradise, it makes it look like North Korea.
3. No one ever said you had to agree with Jenn. But spewing out vitriol? Even if you felt her post was vitriolic, what exactly is that proving about your own beloved town? As an outsider, the vitriolic comments I see here is that her opinion clearly had basis on fact in the first place. Every hit you’re driving to this site is making it a bigger story. And every person viewing these comments is forming an opinion that South Carolinians can dish it out, but they can’t take a bit of criticism in return. She’s obviously taken yours, but I have seen an extreme few say something like “I see the city differently, but it’s good to have a diversity of opinion.”
4. I will credit the idea that it’s like saying something negative about someone’s family. I can pick on my family all I want, but I’ll defend them when an outsider does. However, I also realize that when someone picks on my family, my job is to get them OUT of the situation and be their defender – not to antagonize anyone. At a certain point, the feuding just made ALL Hatfields and ALL McCoys look bad. It may feel good to throw barbs, but it’s not helping your cause whatsoever.
Be nice to each other, y’all.
Wtf!? She said she’s on Tinder and the guys in Charleston suck. How are you reading that she’s a whore from that? You literally are just saying mean words, with no support whatsoever. And look like total idiots now. Being single, being on tinder, or looking for men are completely unrelated to being a whore. You can do all of those things and not sleep with a single person. But then yall just wanted to make yourself sound like ignorant assholes by getting personal (which probably isn’t actually personal because you have no evidence to back up your “whore” comments) because she doesn’t like your city….classless losers.
Did you receive an invitation to move here?? Who needs an invitation to move anywhere? Oh, I guess you might need one to move to Charleston. Jesus you sound dumb….could not have proved here point more perfectly with your comment.
I finally figured it out. You are the sacrificial pawn to get publicity for this website. The editor who is not your friend knew the backlash you would have to endure if the article were published but did it at your expense for publicity. You are a victim here from all directions but do not even know it. I wish for you the best in the future and hope you find happiness
My farts smell like burrito meat and I hate Charleston too.
“Why do YOU care if I don’t like where you live?” Why do you think anybody cares? If you don’t like a place then pack up and leave. Without trying to ruin it for the rest of us. Or are you just trying to tell yourself really hard that you are “so much happier than the rest of us”.
Charleston’s economic and racial problems are, in my experience, pretty much on par with the South in general, and therefore South Carolina as a whole(having grown up in the South, I’m not saying this as an outsider). You have gentrification and overpriced rent and income inequality pretty much everywhere in the U.S. If you’re going to complain about Charleston, at least make it something specific TO Charleston.
Girl don’t go away mad, just go away
So what’s keeping you here, I’m curious.
James Island is what she said. Hard to believe.
1600’s, sir. 😉
May not be diverse enough
As one who was born and raised in Charleston I can understand some of your comments. However, after spending time traveling and in the Army I can tell you that even city life gets boring unless you’re into the night life. I think some of your comments are narrow minded because if you had gotten to know more than a “few” white people you would have found that we do have diversity here. Just like any city, if you want better cuisine you’re going to pay for it. The chef’s that know they are good are going to make you pay for their food. Also, if you didn’t want feedback regarding the article then maybe you shouldn’t have made it public. For someone who talks about others being closed minded and judgmental you ma’am seem to be doing the same thing. If you didn’t care what strangers had to say about YOU you wouldn’t have been so harsh in your editor’s note. When you stated, “I’m sorry, y’all, but your comments read like children saying “FINE, WE DON’T WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU EITHER.” The good riddance and #byefelicia is right back atcha.” You sounded just as childish. Instead of saying, “I understand people want to defend their lives and where they live but it’s just the opinion of one outsider”. You had to “take it to the street” like all the others who commented so don’t count yourself as being any better than them. You’re right when you said we don’t anything about you or your life. Just as you know nothing about us and our lives except what YOUR narrow mind wanted to take in.
I don’t understand why you would even compare ATL to CHS. They are completely different in every aspect. It is dumbfounding why you would move to Charleston expecting it to be anything like Atlanta…and all the negatives you point out are pretty evident and you shouldn’t have been “surprised” by any of it. Of course a small city isn’t going to have a ton of museums or live entertainment every day of the week, if you look on a map – it is pretty easy to see that we are not near mountains, and that many of our restaurant are southern style, how did you not see that coming?! You are a city girl and you are right that you don’t belong here, but the way in which you describe this city was very demeaning…but again you were “surprised” that people were offended?! Much like your decision to move here, this article was written without much thinking actually involved.
Ok, how about trying out this idea. GO THE FUCK BACK TO ATLANTA! Anyone who shares her opinions can follow. You sound like you should be from Ohio. Don’t come here from Atlanta, and tear my city down when you’re mega-city is so horrible that nearly 90% of the people that actually work in the city choose to live th in the burbs. Charleston is beautiful, along with its prideful people. Go home.
Wow author, you sound like you really have a sad existence. I honestly don’t understand how you thought you could read this article and NOT be offended. I literally NEVER get offended by things, and even I was pissed after reading this article. No city is perfect, but it clearly sounds like your judge mental opinion has been seriously biased by something. Did a hot Charlestonian turn you down and now you’re pissed? Did the prettier girl get the job?
Either way, it is YOU who lacks culture. I am happy to call myself a Charlestonian, even though I’m currently suffering bout my days in YOUR “fair” city. Every single thing you said about Charleston, I feel about Atlanta. No one in this city gives a shit about anyone but themselves. It’s clear you are from Atlanta because you are as stuck up and pretentious as the rest of this city. I have lived in London, the British countryside, Soithern Italy, NYC, and have spent time in nearly 30 countries. I think I know something about culture (contrary to what you believe about Charleston). Charleston has it, but clearly you don’t. The only thing bad about Charleston are the flocks of people moving there.
I’ve been living here for more than 10 years and I do agree with one thing and it is diversity. Charleston lacks of diversity and the city very black and white culture. Like anywhere else there are pros and cons for any city.
Hey girl. I was born & grew up in Charleston until I went away for college, and since then, have lived all over the Northeast in NYC, Boston (in my early 20’s) and now live in Portland, Oregon (in my mid 30’s). I totally, totally get where you’re coming from. And I’m sorry you’ve had to read all these comments from people who don’t necessarily understand. I know how hard it is to live in Charleston as a single lady with particular tastes. I know how hard friend circles can be to break into. Diversity in Charleston isn’t extremely apparent on the surface level, compared to major cities like Atlanta. t’s been like that since day one. You have to really, reallllly look hard for your kind of people. It sounds like you might not have known where to find them, being new to town. They are there, but they’re not easy to find. Dating in Charleston as a woman (and ESPECIALLY a woman over 30) is kind of ridiculous. Believe me, I know. The ratio of men to women is ridiculous. The kinds of men you want to date are usually scooped up pretty fast, because there are about 3 of them total. It’s been pretty apparent to me this is the case as some of my best lady friends have dated the same people (over long periods of time, of course). Selection is just not incredibly extensive. It’s been very hard for me at times too, which is part of why I’ve moved away for long stretches. But also, I love big cities. Sometimes it boils down to just needing more choices with everything, from restaurants to dudes. When I lived in Charleston, I actually “imported” my boyfriend from out of town, via online dating. I had struggled so hard with finding the right guy for me that I had to resort to looking out of the state! I am sorry you didn’t find a core group of ladies to bro down with there, because I do think that can make a huge difference. My lady friends there are cool, weird, diverse and artsy. We’re all in our 30’s. We all are independent, love music, love good food, love good times. It sounds like you probably would have fit in with our crowd pretty well. If you ever decide to give Charleston a 2nd chance, I will happily introduce you to some of these people. Best of luck in ATL!
Whatever your name is who wrote the article, youre also only looking from the outsiders point of view, meaning you’re only interested in going to do the “touristy” things, thats youve stated are in the “southern charm” episodes and plantations and million dollar homes, thats not normal everyday life in charleston. Charleston has an amazing history (not just what you hear about in museums), its own gulluh/geechee accent and history that you will only find in chas, sc. An incredible amount of talent in music, (alot because of the accents and diversity). Saying we’re all the same because of what you saw on a tv show and the tourist attractions, is like saying the “real housewives of atl” implies theres nothing but black men and women causing drama in Atlanta. I personally dont play polo, ride horses, drink champagne or any “cocktails” everyday for that matter. Maybe you should have spent a little less time watching “bravo” and at the beach when you were here and got to know ALL aspects of the city and surrounding cities, not just the rich ones.
I’ve lived in Charleston for 10 years now and COMPLETELY AGREE. My god, it’s awful. Getting out, soon myself too!!
I think she didn’t like it because she doesn’t fit in. She’s a fish out of water. She got no men and she didn’t fit well into the Charleston click. She thought she could just waltz in and that everybody would just love her, even with her yank looks and bad yankee accent. Well its just not that easy honey. It takes time. You just can’t show up saying “y’all” and expect the true southern gentleman in the city to kiss your stanky yank feet. Jenn, stop being such a whiny yank bitch with that whiny nostril shrieking accent and get out and explore Charleston. Eat some good local food, chat with the locals, slurp down some good oysters and best of all vote republican. You kinda look like a female version of Howard Stern so its going to take a lot of work. Get off your ass because mommy can’t save you here.
“Why do YOU care if I don’t like where you live? Oh right, because Charleston is so boring there’s nothing else to do.
I’m sorry, y’all, but your comments read like children saying “FINE, WE DON’T WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU EITHER.” The good riddance and #byefelicia is right back atcha.”
Please read your own words one more time. Slowly. You sound like a spoiled five year old that hasn’t ventured out of her neighborhood’s bubble to experience any of the wonderful, culturally diverse things that Charleston offers.
If you’re looking for love and friendships just in the bars, you are looking in the wrong places. Go listen to some live music, go out to Park Circle, meet some people over at the Pour House (my old stomping grounds). There are way more things to do and interesting, diverse people to meet than you are giving Charleston credit for.
I’ve lived here since 2001, Im 32, brunette, would rather be nude then wear LILLY Pulitzer, southern tide, or any of those basic brands. I’m single, and couldn’t give two fucks. Live downtown…go out when I feel like t but leave town to do different stuff. The dating sucks Bc they guys are either bland and only identify as being “southern”, which is awful OR they are only interested in casual flings with college girls. It is what it is but I still love Charleston. I own a condo downtown, NOT the crosstown and I have a great group of friends. So chatleston isn’t terrible, you just like big cities. Pretty simple if you ask me.
In your article you only mentioned Charleston and Mt Pleasant. Have you been to other cities in the area to give them a try before you made an opinion about the while city?
I believe the reason everyone is so upset is because this is where a lot of us was born and raised and we take pride in our great Holy City. The history, the culture, the people. You are right, it is not meant for everyone. Maybe it is a good idea for you to move back, but I do have one question for you. What good did it do you to write such a hateful article ut a city that you personally did not like? So you don’t like it here, fine! You don’t have to write about our beloved city and try to disgrace it for everyone to see. We have Southern Charm, we have Souhtern Grace, and we have Southern Etiquette. Obviously, these are things you are lacking. There are so many things to do in Charleston and its surrounding cities. You HAVE to be willing to get out there and do these things. You are chosing not to do so and just finding an excuse to belittle and disgrace out Loving City then write lies upon lies about it. I do think it is time for your ugliness to move back to Atlanta where you can be happy and we can happy you are no longer with us.
Have a great day!!!
Oh, one more thing….. BLESS YOUR HEART……
I fully agree with David as he said life is what you make of it and no truer words have ever been spoken. I was born and raised here in Charleston and I raised my beautiful family here and there is more here for me than magic, much more than magic could ever be. I will never forget Sullivan’s Island as that was where God spoke to me 22 years ago and told me he would call me home the yr. of 2023,what a beautiful story and I came home and wrote it all down in my Bible and signed it off to all of my Children and added only time will tell. the day I went to Sullivan’s Island with my family to visit the caves was the most important day of my life and one day I do plan to share it with the world. So there you go folks ,if you want to be happy it has to come from within and having faith will pull you thru all your troubles. For the young Lady that can’t seem to find happiness here in our ,’Beautiful city’, I suggest that she takes it to the Lord in prayer and ask for inner peace within herself. No one can ever be happy without the Lord and that inner peace. Perhaps this Lady should learn to love herself because if you don’t love yourself you can’t expect others to love you.
please take it to the Lord in prayer before you leave the most ‘Beautiful City in the USA. I thank you for taking the time to read my reply.
So, here’s my two cents as a Charleston native who moved away:
I love Charleston. I truly had a great childhood and early adulthood living there. I went surfing every Sunday off the island I lived on; I rode my bike all over the place because the weather’s usually cooperative; kayaked for eons along the swamps, creeks, and rivers; hiked in the beautiful national forests; explored literally hundreds of plantations and historic sites; ate fresh, local food at both restaurants and at random food trucks in farmer’s markets; went to live theater, ballets, and symphonies at the music/play houses in town; partied at bars and clubs all over the Tri-county area; and just generally enjoyed life to the fullest. As to diversity, we have one of the most unique cultures in the entire country: Gullah. It’s a fascinating, rich heritage, with its own language and customs, paired with a desire to continue these ideas that isn’t seen in many ethnic groups. We also have the influx of people from being a port city, as well as the recent industrial increases that have drawn folks from all over. If you never leave Mt. Pleasant, you will never find out about these subsets.
That being said, I left. I outgrew some of it. I will agree with her that the Charleston dating scene is tough, especially if you choose to be single and an middle-aged female. It’s hard to find men who are crunchy and granola, but also have their crap together… but this is kinda true everywhere, I’m finding. I enjoyed the partying, but it wasn’t me. I’d hiked nearly everywhere that I could get to within an hour or two’s drive. I couldn’t find a decent job that would allow me to do anything remotely close to my passions. And I just wanted to see more of the world, get some new experiences, and see how I could handle life on the outside of this charmed city.
Charleston is an amazing place if you are willing to look and find its secrets. The locals aren’t always going to tell you about the best food or wine or hiking or views. Some of those are closely guarded secrets because we LIKE our sense of privacy in a world that’s steadily encroaching on our space. So many people come here from out of state, and it’s changed the scenery. Not because those who come here are rude or obnoxious or whatever (though some are, but even more are perfectly pleasant folks)… but because Charlestonians have had a hidden gem but now, all of a sudden, everyone knows about it. We get jealous. It happens.
So, to the author: I’m sorry that you didn’t love Charleston, but I hope you have somewhere that feels like “home”, wherever that is. But don’t bash this city just because it didn’t fit you. I’ve had to learn that lesson the hard way myself, and it certainly won’t make people any more willing to welcome you in future visits.
As a lady who has lived in Charleston from the ages of 11 to now 36, who lived on the peninsula from 18-34, and is not married but in a relationship, I will say that the six months you have lived here is JUST enough time to become overwhelmed with the southern stereotypes and not enough time to discover “your people.” It sounds like you should have spent more time hanging out in West Ashley where the bow ties and khakis are far less frequently seen. There is a vast sector of 30-somethings with progressive mindsets and little desire to “settle down” that it seems you just did not find in West Ashley and some of the other non-Mt. Pleasant/downtown areas. That makes me sad. The culture here is rich in practically every area if you just look for it. While Charleston is by no means perfect, you have not lived here long enough to truly know what it is about. It’s a very complicated place, coming from someone who is not a “typical Southerner” as stereotypes put forth but definitely a Southerner nonetheless. At least you tried something new, though! Kudos for that. It just wasn’t for you.
Not like this comment is ever going to get to the editor of this article, but I think the biggest thing that you’re not looking at is that ATL is so much bigger then CHS. OF COURSE THERE ARE GOING TO BE DIFFERENCES. The reason Charleston is so great is because of the history that lives in this city. I just mad at trip to ATL and had a great time, but besides the fun little tourist attractions and endless restaurants and tall buildings, it’s not that great either. Ever city has there ups and every city has there downs. And for the comment on driving an hour away from here. If you go North towards Myrtle Beach and stop in the small city of Murrells Inlet, you will find a whole new experience! The food there is amazing, and there is a whole atmosphere of people, and things to do. But when you move from a large city like ATL to a small city like CHS of course there are going to be differences and there won’t be as much diversity, but for you to discredit the diversity in Charleston, you’re simply not opening your eyes. College of Charleston is right down town and that brings in diversity like crazy! I do agree that there is a certain “type” of people here, but again it’s the history that is here. Charleston is indeed a rich city but it’s Charleston and that’s never going to change. But hey, if it’s not for you it’s not for you, and I can’t judge you for that, I just don’t agree with a lot of the things that you said. I think you have to give this city time, esp. if you’re not form here. It took several years for it to grow on me and I love it now!
I was born in NOLA, raised in Florida and going to the College of Charleston was the BEST 4 years of my life – so far! I also had a 2-year stint in Atlanta and had the same experience you are having with Charleston.
Having expectations of a PLACE you live is not fair. It is not where you are, it is who you are with and who you are. My experience in Charleston was magical and I have a WONDERFUL time visiting friends and loved ones…and would consider moving back because of the solid relationships I have with people who live there.
My time in ATL was different and lonely because I didn’t have as many “people” at my disposal. I have been through something similar and I am a fun/vibrant person/life of the party/can be described as “having fun in a paper bag.” It’s not Charleston (or Atlanda), it is you (me).
Bless your heart. We are so sorry you didn’t enjoy living in Charleston. You enjoy living in Atlanta now, you hear.
Yeah, let me tell you.. the “city life” of downtown Atlanta is just soooo intriguing huh? haha, pathetic. It’s actually terrible. Maybe you should make some actual friends who know good places to eat, hang out, along with some better company to be around and maybe you will see something different. How long have you lived here? Okay.. not long enough to bash everything. In that amount of time you can’t even meet enough locals to show you the good stuff. Maybe it’s the fact that YOUR boring and can’t make any friends around here. Go home, I’m sure all your non-existent friends back home are waiting for your return.
Lack of diversity? Sure. Want to do something a little more up tempo but cant because theres not much going on like that? I can understand that. But if you SERIOUSLY think the only food is bbq and deep fried everything, you clearly are not even trying. If you want suggestions I’ll be more than happy to provide them.
Don’t call yourself “we Southerners”; you are not a Southerner and will never be and that’s OK with us. Many Northerners have moved down here and were happy to acclimate themselves to ” how we do it around here”, but so many, like you, can’t wait to denigrate Charleston and everything indigenous to the area. So often I’ve been out and heard loud, honky voices complaining about the people, the weather, the mosquitoes, etc., etc., ad nauseam! We would never go to your town and publicly criticize it, or you- that would be boorish and crass. We would more likely feel sorry for you because it’s not your fault that you don’t know any better. Most Southerners have more manners in their little finger than you will ever have. Look it up- evidently many of you don’t know what it is.
If you don’t like like our town or the way we do things – just leave, we probably don’t like you either.
someone call the whammbulance for the author.
Well I’d have to agree with one thing. You don’t belong in Charleston.
As a native who was forced to move to a big city during my teenage years, I’d do almost anything to go back. Charleston is relaxing, charming, and chill. Why not visit the beach everyday? I would if I lived there again. What’s better than the beach? Certainly not a bland, boring southern city like Atlanta with nothing more interesting than a baseball team and a zoo.
I’ve been to Atlanta plenty of times, and found nothing there worth my interest. I’ve lived in the suburbs of NYC. I’ve lived in Charlotte. And my heart will always be in Charleston.
As a 30-something who married and had children first, I will be taking my “me” time while you’re changing diapers in your 40’s. I guess we can’t be friends.
And yes, please do leave my hometown. More room for me when I retire to the best city in America. (Not everyone can handle the best!)
Best of luck!
Sounds like you need to get back to the ATL asap. Trying to compare Charleston to your experiences in Atlanta is really hysterical. Very apparent you have no clue about Charleston life. I think your bio summed it up best, “northern transplant…with three dogs” lol No wonder you fit in well in Atlanta…hurry up and leave our beautiful city if you’re so distraught!!!
Could not agree with you more!!
Don’t listen to the idiots on here. I COULDNT HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF. I’ve been getting mocked for feeling this way and I’m so glad I’m not the only one. Charleston is not worth it! And similar to you, the only thing charleston has taught me is to appreciate my home (orange county) and family. Also to all the idiots on here, your beaches suck.
CS- An invite is required to come to Charleston? I believe this “holier than thou” attitude in the Holy City is an underlying part of what the author is expressing. Charlestonians are not quite as trendsetting (sans awful “fashion” – think swatches of Michael’s drape fabric cut into something resembling a “dress” or more like a superhero’s cape/moomoo) as they seem to believe. Is pride not one of the seven deadly sins? Tsk Tsk. The Charleston natives are a homogenous bunch, not much more to be said. Any flavor as long as it’s vanilla. The land is lovely, with its beaches, and the weather is just right. I’ll stay, thank you, though I can’t quite find my invite! Aw shucks, oh lawdy, dem Yanks in our territory …
Sounds like Jenn has some personal problems!! 100,000 people not including Mt. P and West Ashley and there’s no one to date? Sounds like tinder has failed you. And out of the cities I’ve lived in, Charleston offers way more to do than any other place I’ve been. 400 square miles of national forest 30 minutes north of Charleston, ACE Basin south of Charleston, tons of lakes, rivers, bays, beaches, and islands for hunting, fishing, camping, exploring or whatever else you want to do? I’ve spent twenty years here and haven’t even scratched the surface! If you’re tired of going to the same beach every weekend round up a group of friends on tinder and go somewhere you haven’t been before.
Valid points about traffic and downtown though, I can only do downtown for about one night a month and I’m totally over it. And for the food, I won’t be the judge of that because I’ll eat just about anything. I also agree that Charleston is not the magical place you see on tv and in magazines, but we’ll blame that on Bravo and Travel channel.
Safe travels to ATL!
I’m a guy from New Jersey who has collectively lived here for about 6 years. I’ve been on a boat maybe three times, do not own a single pastel article of clothing now nor will I ever, i wouldn’t wear a bow tie or croakies if you paid me, and there isn’t enough acid or cocaine to make me enjoy Widespread Panic in the South East…. Maybe that last part is a lie. You sound like a terribly miserable person and I don’t believe for a second you being 34 and single is actually your choice. Also, as a guy from Jersey, I think I still have a ice scraper somewhere in my garage. Let me know if you’d like to borrow it to get those icicles off your vagina.
I just can’t get over the photos of all white, bow-tie wearing, croquet (or is that polo?)- playing guys that you dated or met while you were here? I was born and raised here and those guys- whoever they are – don’t even constitute a decent stereotype. I mean, who are they are what planet are they from, because perhaps – perhaps – they represent .001% of the young men in this town. I can only conclude that you didn’t get out much or didn’t associate with a very diverse group of people because most of us just don’t look like that.
Everyone keeps holding on to this notion that “We’re the best!” because a handful of travel magazines say so. If anyone here had any idea how the PR/Marketing world works, it’s a simple written press release sent off and published. Sure, people may have “voted” but again, it’s just a small slice of people who happened to participate in one single online poll. Folks need to stop taking these “awards” as the gospel truth.
Lady, GTFO!
Well shut my mouth! Seriously?! You bash people’s home and go off half-cocked and expect us to turn the other cheek? Heck no! In the South, you defend what you love. You can’t blame an entire city for you acting like a bump on a log and basing your opinion on an amazing city from what sounds like a Southern Charm re-run marathon. I understand you’re entitled to your opinion and that there may be others who share that opinion (just not as disgustingly as you said it), but don’t sit there and say “point proven” and get your feathers all in a ruffle when people don’t agree with YOUR opinion and defend their hometown. Bet you were caught with your pants down at the reaction you’ve gotten. That’s how we do it in the South. How about live up to your blog’s purpose: “We launched in 2011 as a platform for spreading good news about the South.” Last time I checked, bashing a SOUTHERN city simply because it’s not your cup of tea is the least Southern thing you can do. Take your northern transplant self back to your ATL stomping grounds you love so dearly and sit in traffic that is 10 times worse than here and don’t let the door hit ya where the sun don’t shine because I hate to break it to ya, every dog is gonna have a few fleas (that’s Southern for nothing is perfect, just so you know). Next time you want to spew trash about something that is so near and dear to more people than you realize, stick with the first thing Southern mamas teach their youngins: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Then you won’t have so many people flying off the handle at you. Peggy, think you could escort her back this weekend? The sooner negative people like this are gone, the better. #blessyourheart #sorrynotsorry #proudcharlestonian
for starters this girl does not belong in charleston and i’m SO glad she realized that so quickly. if you LOVE atlanta and all of its glory, charleston is probably not for you (look at ANY picture online and you can tell the difference) Atlanta is NOT a southern city and I don’t care what you say i will never change my mind about that. if she thinks that all of charleston is white blondes she must of had her eyes closed the entire time she was there or she only saw me and my sisters while she was there with all of our whiteness and blonde hair (sorry we don’t have as many people in our town as her precious atlanta does). Also, you don’t go on vacation to a place and say “this would to be exactly the same if i were to move here” – no one says that because that’s not how it works .. you go on vacation to see the best of the city you are visiting, not the whole picture. Next thing that got to me is this quote “But, as we Southerners like to say, LAWD, Y’ALL!” — you are not from the south, you are not southern, just because you live below the Mason-Dixon line does not automatically classify as a southerner (sorry), you are in your own words a “northern transplant” so don’t claim to be a southerner. If she claims that charleston is boring and that there is nothing to do then again her eyes were closed the entire time she was here .. if i listed eveything there was to do in charleston this comment would be about 10 pages longer (minimum) .. if she wants to not be bored in charleston she can call me and i will show her everything it has to offer (not really cause I don’t really want to meet her, let alone spend time with such a shallow minded individual). She talks about finding “home” and then turns around and bashes people for staying in their hometown all their lives (kind of hypocritical if you ask me). Aside from college i have lived in the same house (in charleston) my entire life and if there was a vet school in charleston i would still be there no questions asked! im not even gonna comment on the food criticism because there are more restaurants in charleston than i could ever visit in my entire life (so again her eyes were closed). the dating aspect — there’s probably a reason she’s still single (just saying) sorry but the chance of you finding a perfect man at 11pm in a bar on King street is highly unlikely just as it probably is in any other bar in the country, if you have met a husband in a bar then props to you cause bars serve alcohol, alcohol makes you drunk, being drunk is not the best state of mind to find a life partner — in all honesty i hope this article goes viral and that some people start believing her so that they stop moving to charleston and making it a completely different city than it used to be from even 10 years ago .. i wish whole-heartedly that Charleston was the town that my father used to tell stories about but unfortunately so many people have realized that it is a great town (NOT FOR EVERYONE) and many many people are moving there every single day — obviously its not as bad as she is portraying it to be .. im glad for her that she figured out what makes her happy but i just wish that she had been a little more polite about it (with all her southern hospitality) and not bashed the city that i absolute love and hope to end up with for the rest of my life (yes i want to be a “lifie”
I think this article is great! You can’t be the best without someone hating you! I love Charleston!
P.S. Everyone isn’t the same in Charleston, maybe it was just the group of people you chose to hang around. Also, there are a plethora of events and activities to get into daily, seems like you were just in all the wrong places.
Have a great Day!
Jen I would rather eat burning hot coals than look at your face for 2 seconds. Dont bash my city. If you dont like it leave. No need to bash a city. Kindly Fuck off
Read this, or most of it… I skimmed a bit, sorry it was just A LOT to read. Heard about it on the Two Girls and A Guy show and I HAD to know what was said. I just moved down here myself from NY, no, not the city… I really only have one question though. Where in Charleston did you live?
I have never heard someone looking for pity and confirmation so hard in my entire life. This is a classic case of “I don’t fit in and it’s all your fault.” I personally know Charleston to be very diverse, but if you’re going to eat at Husk everyday and walking on the Battery you probably won’t see that aspect of the Holy City. I am from a small town where there actually IS nothing to do, and Charleston does not fit into that category. Go to a brewery, go to a Riverdogs game, go to a concert or see some art, there is never a shortage of entertainment. The cuisine is actually to die for, and there is absolutely is variety. Charleston is known for it’s tourism and it sounds like you personally never ventured off that path. My advice to you is that in your time remaining in Chuck, take advantage of it and stop being as snotty as you’re accusing everyone else as being.
I feel the way the author feels (with respect to some things). However, this article really only scratches the surface. The comments, especially the scathing ones, fill in the details. So thank you for the article and the ensuing aftermath. Its always nice to have someone stir pot. I’ve lived here for 25 years, and I’ve grown to love and hate this city. But I know I couldn’t live in Atlanta… Here’s an observation: The majority of the people commenting look like white cookie cutouts… (no photos) Laugh, people! Stop taking yourselves so seriously!
Youre 34?! I thought for certain you’d be a teenager, the only plausible explanation for such a poorly written article.
I will absolutely donate to that go fund me!
I would donate to that go fund me
Why the hell are any of y’all here then? If you don’t like our gorgeous city then move the hell on!! This is where our southern hospitality has gotten us; ignorant tourists like y’all. We love charleston and if your too shallow to appreciate that then you don’t deserve to be here in the first place!!
Because I don’t think you understand what an opinion is. Let’s try an example: There are 100,000 people scattered through the peninsula and islands; 7 million in Atlanta. You see? This isn’t true. This makes it neither an opinion or a fact. This is called a misstatement of fact. The city of Atlanta has 450,000. The city of Charleston has 120,000. Atlanta Metro has a population of 5.6 Million. Charleston Metro has a population of about 700,000. There are tools on the internet, like Google, where you can research this information. Frankly, the rest of your article is so based on random perceptions and disconnected from any factual basis, it’s hard to even have a discussion about it. I think people get mad, because when other people form an opinion, they hope that opinion has some basis in reality. You have put a bunch of words on a screen and then defended it by saying you’re right because opinions can’t be wrong. I suppose you’re right, but how you can you take offense for other people sharing their same opinions? So… this is why people use facts to form arguments, rather than just blurting out offensive opinions. Try it sometime, it’s called journalism.
I live up in New Jersey right now and have dreamed about moving down to Charleston for the last few years. I have visited there many times and love it and have only heard great things. However I am really happy you have written about the negatives. I think its good to get both sides of the story and the city and each city will not be great for everyone.
I lived in Brooklyn, NY where everyone has talked about how much they love it and I hated it. It happens. Sorry you received so many negative comments. I am very happy you shared! 🙂
I am a transplanted Charlestonian living in Atlanta. Yes, it is very difficult living in a large city as Atlanta and expecting the same type of living in Charleston. In your bio, it says you are a Northern Transplant…. No wonder! I have lived in and have traveled in every state in the US and have visited other countries.. My heart and home will always be Charleston! I live in Atlanta because this is where I moved with my family years ago and my family is all here. You will find that Charlestonians are very family centered and where your family is is home. When you get back to Atlanta, keep an eye out for the S.C logo, Palm tree and Crescent moon. We all have them and we smile and wave to others that we don’t know as we pass by because WE get it!
And Charleston will be oh so much better when you take your skank ass elsewhere.Bless your little heart that is.
Go back to Atlanta
Well if all of you hate Charleston so much, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY CITY! I love it here. I have lived here my entire life. Move back to Atlanta and have fun with your major city life. I love it simple, like it is here.
Scuba diving so many wrecks off the Charleston coast…. Beaches, Waverunners, Jeep trails, outdoor ranges, lakes, fishing, camping, and you can’t even act like there isn’t history. The history goes back to the 1700’s! The revolutionary war was fought here. Where do you go in America that has EVERYTHING? I’m sure that ATL has a lot to offer, my parents live in Alpharetta. Honestly though… It seems that you didn’t leave CHARLESTON. There are other cities around Charleston too you know…
You can’t write an article like this and not expect a backlash. Grow a spine. See you later, and bless your heart.
Summation, Charleston has more girls than guys. You just were not interesting enough to gain significant attention. That doesn’t mean a city is to Blame. I have lived here for 7 years and never stop finding things to do. Go back to that horrible implant city and take others who share your opinion with you.
And right now you are making the south look bad…just my opinion
Wow really?!
It sounds like you’re a Tinder Trash. In fact I”ll bet money you’re a Gold Member. Leaving Charleston is an exellent idea, can I donate some money to help you get the H out of here? I’ll bet you hate Amercica too.
The only thing I’m sad about from this article is the dismissal of Columbia! Granted, I dismissed it until my second or third year living here. I grew up in Mt. Pleasant, went to a private school downtown, and I am very happily never headed back (for more than a few days) because of everything you have written. To me, Columbia isn’t 100 percent there yet, but at the very least there is much more diversity, it has inklings of visible subcultures, and you can actually meet people to make things happen in this town. It’s pliable, accessible, and we finally have some good food here, too. And some tiny little holes in the wall that have been here for a while that provide really good cheap eats – like Korean Mexican fusion without a hint of pretense (Blue Cactus). It’s actually not exactly very “cute”, but it’s delicious! I’ve been here for almost six years now – swore I would leave the second I graduated from my Master’s program, but ended up just buying a house here, and I’ll likely never leave.
Regardless, thanks for speaking out on the culture that actually makes the rest of us roll our eyes every time our high school classmates post yet another “Charleston is the greatest thing on the face of the planet” article. Probably the same classmate who, upon seeing downtown, causes me to duck into an alley to avoid.
Hi, I’m someone who was born and raised in Charleston and I can’t stand this place either (Although not for the all same reasons… In all sincerity, how can you not like the food? Where do you go? Just… what?). I’m moving soon and couldn’t be happier! But that’s not the reason I’m commenting. Even though you only made a passing remark I feel compelled to defend Columbia, SC. Everyone loves to knock it, but nobody has tried it. During my short time in Columbia, I realized that it’s bad reputation has been built by the people who don’t live there. With mountains to the North, beach to the South, and nearby lakes and forests, it’s a great locale. The people I met there have been lifelong friends. It has the best farmer’s market in the state (Yes, I’m from Charleston and I’ve been to our farmer’s markets. They simply aren’t as good.). There’s Taco Tuesdays at The Whig… Arts and Draughts… Indie Grits Festival… First Thursdays on Main… SPEAKEASY. I could go on and on. Sometimes the place to visit isn’t the place to live and the place to live isn’t the place to visit. I think this is exemplified by the cities of Charleston and Columbia pretty perfectly. Anyhow, I know the article was about Charleston’s shortcomings and not Columbia’s, but someone needs to stand up for that poor city.
Well said!
Wow that’s mature.
Ok, first off, you can get mugged ANYWHERE. I have lived in 2 tourist areas (Atlanta and Orlando) and in a small town. I just moved back to Atlanta after living in Orlando for 12 years. I LOVED the southern hospitality (trust me the people that show southern hospitality are the people that grew up here…not the tourist) and the cultural offerings that Atlanta has to offer (the theater, litte 5 points, Piedmont Park, etc…). Oh and MARTA is a lot better than sitting in traffic. So After 12 years I packed up and left Orlando. Now I miss the theme parks and outlet malls and things that Orlando had to offer. With that being said though I am still MUCH happier here in Atlanta than I was the 12 years I spent in Orlando (it maybe located in the south but definitely not a southern town). What I don’t miss is the sleepiness and lack of offerings that the small town I lived in had to offer.
Some people are just cut out for the city and some are more small town. Doesn’t make one better than the other.
I LOVED her article, it was a point of view from someone that is more of a city person. The readers and commenters need to just be more open minded and read it as what it is, just one person’s opinion and not get all up in arms about it.
Just so I am clear, you’re allowed to put down an opinion article she wrote from her own personal stance and she should just sit there and take it? She took great pride in this article and has no shame in that. You are more than welcome to leave, there isn’t an anchor tied to your browser. I just don’t understand why you wanted to read this. If you can express your feelings so can she! (See what I did there? If you don’t like it, leave. The people who do won’t blame you for it. Not every place is for every body and she was expressing why Charleston wasn’t for her, not saying that the city sucks for everyone else. Get the sand outta your butthole and let the lady be.)
You seem to really love Atlanta. How would you feel if a Charlestonian moved to Atlanta and wrote a scathing blog about how horrible the place is? That’s why so many people are upset. Yes, we’re all entitle to our opinions, but there’s also a respectful way to voice those opinions. I personally am not a fan of South Carolina AT ALL (or the South, for that matter, and I’m a Southerner born and raised), and may very well end up moving to the North someday, but I still know how to be respectful of it and only vent my complaints to my closest friends and family. I’m glad the author is going on my favorite radio show in the morning so she can hear a Charlestonian’s side. There really is a lot to do here if you just get out of your house.
Junior league military spouses? What exactly does that mean? Women and men from all over the country who are frequently moved to new cities and left alone when their spouse deploys? No chance of diversity or loneliness there… Shame on you for that one. And as for the food, don’t ask us, turn on any food channel and wait. One of the shows will surely visit one of the many owner operated scratch made restaurants. Unless you were only looking for American Casual chains, there are tons of places to eat (some even do not have fryers). Seems to me you moved to Charleston expecting the city to do something FOR you instead of trying to contribute to it. Clearly you are quick to judge and like to rule out whole segments of diverse people based on their family decision to serve the country. Good luck in Atlanta, I hear the sunsets downtown are breathtaking… Wait…
Probably because you insult an entire city full of people through extensive generalizations and insuations of racism & classism. Not to mention the FACT that your OPINION is expressed by belittling said citizens. This article isn’t particularly well-written. It seems obvious from a native’s perspective that you have an EXTREMELY LIMITED experience with the totality of Charleston. When you use the term “diversity,” it reeks of condescension, as if you prefer to get your “diversity fix” in controlled environments. I’ve lived here all my 30 years. I met my wife at Remount Road Baptist Daycare. Have you ever been to Park Circle? East Montague? Avondale? John’s Island? Wadmalaw? Sully? International? Summerville? I can only assume your limited scope knows only the boundaries of Mount Sleaz. (or Mount Perfect, if you prefer) and downtown. I’m also a little confused by all these natives you say you met. I’ve worked all over Charleston in a job that requires me to enter people’s homes. I’ve spent most of my workdays in Mount P. The most common reaction I receive while conversing with customers is SURPRISE that I’m an actual native. I can’t think of a single friend of mine that can claim the same. Adaptation is a life necessity. You don’t seem to have acquired that ability yet. I’m not too worried about your malformed opinion because you’re already gone, & that’s one less person with a crappy attitude snobbing up my city. And anyone that would attempt to validate your opinion would fall into the same category of contemptible, smug self-righteousness. I will, however, defend the people who feel insulted by your sweeping stereotypes. I just hope you can one day achieve some semblance of self-awareness that will prevent you from alienating, insulting, and condemning entire cities when you open your mouth or write your little essays.
Gosh, I live in Mt P and have not experienced that attitude in the 19 years I’ve been here. The “Haves and Have Nots” – that occurs EVERYWHERE. Right Jenn, I mean Vinings vs Norcross?
You mock others for being offended by a stranger when you let an entire city offend you! Haha what idiotic hypocrisy! Truly, Bless your sweet little heart.
Just so I am clear, she is allowed to put down a city a lot of love and we should sit and take it? We take great pride in our city and we have no shame in that. She is more then welcome to leave, there isn’t an anchor tied to her butt. I just don’t understand why she wanted to write this. If she can express her feelings so can we!
I moved to the Charleston in area in 1996 from Connecticut. My experience has been completely different. Maybe its the attitude in which one approaches a new experience. I’ve met wonderful people and I’ve also met snotty small-minded people. But you’ll find that anywhere. Found it to be true when I lived in Philly and Northern New Jersey as well.
I think you have to keep an open mind, free of expectations and preconceptions in order to really get a full understanding and feel of a new area. Unfortunately, from what I’ve read, it seems as though the author had already come to Charleston with more than a few preconceived notions and a less than open-minded, positive attitude.
People move here and some do leave rather quickly. I wonder if part of the reason is that they cannot adjust to living in a vacation area and they can ‘t get out of ‘vacation mind’.
I think it depends on where you live in the area and what attempts you make to meet people and expose yourself to opportunities has a lot to do with the outcome and perception of any place that you move to.
It is unfortunate that the author made such generalizations about the area and people – but I guess that was her experience. I personally would rather live in Hell than Atlanta – and I go there often for family – but hey, different strokes, right?
(oh, and I am not a Lily Pulitzer wearing, nor hipster lifestyle living, nor South of Broad attitude boasting person as she describes in the piece. I am a normal, middle income American living in the suburbs of what I feel is one of the most beautiful areas in the country)
Charleston is the most stagnant place I’ve ever been to. I lived there for four years in college and by graduation I would regularly break down and cry because I hated living there so much. I will be returning someday to visit, as it is quite beautiful, but living there almost made me crazy. So glad I moved to Nola!
What I found offensive…is that she was such a jerk with her article. I live in Charleston for 5 yrs…and agree with some of her points, moved to Columbia and have loved it. I think she was just so nasty and mean with her entire condemnation of the entire state of a South Carolina. It seems to me that Charleston is losing a jerk when she moves.
I really can’t believe what im reading. It sounds like you have never left your house. This is not Charleston at all.
Dear madam,
I have traveled the globe twice. Lived in other parts of the country and world. Adapted to many different cultures near and far. This being said… I was born and raised in Charleston. Thank you for visiting our great state and city. Now if you would please kindly leave as quickly as possible so I can experience one less close minded, unappreciative, handed everything on a platter, non local (or local for that matter) person on the roads or in everyday life it would be greatly appreciated. I hope one day you find peace with yourself because the chances of you finding anyone to love you with all the negativity you bring to the table seems like a long shot. I am sure you are someone who has never sacrificed much. Probably been given a lot. And if I am wrong and you are an individual who has suffered greatly and worked incredibly hard your whole life but still this negative and close minded… then shame on you. I, and many others like me, have sacrificed life and limb for our country, states, and cities. To come back and hear someone as pretentious as yourself trash it is a little hurtful. So sweetheart. Like I said… I am glad you had an opportunity to visit and decide that the beaches are boring… That downtown life was too college based… The beautiful views from countless parks and bridges just weren’t to your liking… The food wasn’t up to your standards… The people were all identical (which obviously you have the observance of a rock)… Good bye young lady.. And good riddance.
But…you didn’t just not like a city…you attacked the character of every resident in that city…and the entire state of South Carolina. Your blog was pretty ignorant also.
Jenn honey don’t sweat the criticism. Conde Nast TRAVELER says Charlestop is number one. #1 for what I said? Oh yeah….to visit. Pretty accurate in my mind.
But to LIVE?? Uh….it ain’t on the TopTen places to Live list last time I checked. So just ignore the typical dowtown douchebaggery here in the comments. Tourist traps don’t always make for great permanent residency…..
Good Luck to you.
I think people tend to get defensive when something they love is bashed. It really seems like maybe you should’ve done more research before packing up and moving. Everyone knows if you want a city with a town atmosphere, Charleston is your place. If you want a city with a little bit more urban attitude…but still small…then Columbia is for you. If you want a really hip scene with tons to do in an exciting city…then…Charlotte. If you want to pay expensive prices for everything….and be stuck in traffic for hours…then Atlanta is your scene.
The fact that you bashed not only Charleston, but the entire state of South Carolina shows your ignorance.
James Island, eh? Then where the hell do you get off?? That is one of the most diverse areas in Charleston. For everything. The only accuracy would be for Folly Beach and for “lifers” there but everything else… Really???
I grew up in charleston & ended up moving away due to meeting the love of my life while he was station here for Nuke School. I have been to San Diego to Virginia to back to charleston. I am not one of those junior league military wives you speak of for I have been part of the military life for 15 years with my husband. Growing up, I was taught if you have nothing nice to say don’t say it at all. When we were station in San Diego, I didn’t like it & was thankful when we moved. Just because I didn’t like I don’t go around talking bad about the city. It just wasn’t for me. But I have to say, I’m very thankful for being back home & I love this beautiful city. I’m sorry you are not able to see Charleston through my eyes because I believe you would truly see it different. I wish you best of luck back in Atlanta.
I’m a native of Smyrna, GA, just outside of Atlanta. I joined the Air Force, met a Charleston girl, and married her. I took her away and she longed to come back…and so did I! Charleston is a wonderful city…it’s history is amazing. The weather is awesome and the people are so welcoming.
I go back to Atlanta to visit family and friends. After about two days, I’m ready to come back to Charleston. While Atlanta is my home, I prefer to visit Athens, GA (GO DAWGS!) because it’s smaller. Atlanta traffic is miserable…it’s overcrowded with too much crime and the area I grew up is just…well, unkept.
I’m glad she is leaving Charleston because, obviously, she stayed in one area and didn’t get out to Ravenel, Awendaw, or learn about the Gullah/Geechee life. If you blame Charleston for not being like TV, well, you have much deeper rooted problems.
Oh okay so after two years you’ve turned into an expert… Good to know. I’ve lived here for 29. Pretty sure I know what I’m talking about. Opinions? I have plenty, but everything I stated is a fact.
So sad we don’t have all of the restaurants Atlanta does… That’s diversity? And I thought she was talking about diversity that actually matters. Oh so you want to be able to go to the Wal Mart in WA and not see all of the Hispanics there? Or how about the one in Mt Pleasant? That’s right. Because Asian presence = diversity apparently and they have to go out at night and socialize for their population to count. You ASK people where they are from? Are you a sociologist? Making up a graph for the area? Get outta here.
Charleston is boring as shit for someone in their mid-20’s? Have you seen #chstwitter. Shits crazy.
And last time I checked this chick is 34. A decade older. Who doesn’t want to go out. Who dates online yet wants to stay single. She obviously isn’t looking for a great time.
Some people who go to Riverdogs games don’t even watch it. They go to socialize, have a beer or five, and bask in the humidity and all that is Charleston. I don’t enjoy the humidity but it’s a good time. I was suggesting something for her to do since she didn’t do it during her SIX MONTHS here.
And she articulated it so well – guess that’s just my Charleston education doing me a disservice. Damn. What am I to do? It’s her blog… She obviously put much more thought into hating this city than I care to give to try to change her mind.
Using a city like this to advance yourself? Sounds contrary to your beliefs.
have you ever visited Atlanta?? Everything is expensive in that city. The traffic is horrific. Sounds like the author should’ve tried Charlotte.
Nothing more than a trolling job. Take a bow, job well done.
You’re responding to them so obviously, you.
Using “butthurt?” Just as suspected, you’re a troll.
Yes exaclty, this is yellow Journalism at its finest!
Hey, this might never get to you, but I’m sorry that you didn’t enjoy Charleston, or Columbia (where I am from and live). I also apologize about the idiots who have criticized you, that’s not fair of them. SC is a very unique state; it’s a lot like Texas in its pride. I know you’ll disagree, and that’s ok, but I think I live in the best state in the Union. Sure, we have a lot flaws and hopefully we’ll work on them. However, I don’t think you’ll find a more fun loving state, with it’s own culture, in the whole of the US. I’m proud of that. Anyway, I wish you the best on your road back to ATL. Go Braves.
Most ignorant thread started btythe most ignorant of writers, the way you talk in no way reflects this websites mission statement “spreading good news across th south” lol you’re just spreading your judgment and distaste for something you honestly didnt even give a chance. Real journalist use real facts not there bias opinions
A little dramatic, don’t you think? I’m sorry your experience didn’t live up to your expectations, but the scathing review is a bit much especially for someone who has only been here a few months. As a Northern transplant who has been here 3.5 years, I can say that Charleston offers a TON if you bother to get out and explore (and no, I’m not the preppy Lilly Pulitzer type). It’s not Atlanta or NYC or Chicago and that’s precisely why people like it here. Not everyone wants to live in a big city (I have) and that doesn’t make them plain, or vanilla, or boring. Have you ever considered the thought that you are just as rigid and judgmental as you are claiming Charlestonians to be? After all, you mention the need to find people “just like you”. You don’t need to put a place down by focusing on all of its perceived negatives just because you had trouble fitting in. It’s clear from your article that you didn’t really try.
Most of these observations are true… for about five minutes. When I moved to Charleston I noticed and was annoyed by similar things. *But* I stuck it out, kept an open mind, and explored the whole city. Within two years, all I got past all the cliches and found the diversity, subcultures, amazing non-Southern food, etc. I visited and lived in a lot of cities, but for me (and for my non-Southern, hip, independent, career-oriented wife), Charleston is the best of all worlds. If we’re being charitable to this poor woman, this is cautionary tale about missing out on amazing communities by believing one’s own shallow generalizations are actually reflective of reality. So let’s not be too hard her. We all do it, she just did it publicly.
As a native Charlestonian who moved to Atlanta for (on and off) 20 years, I think I can make a fair comparison of both cities. If you want to shop and party, if you want to live in a giant mall, surrounded by mega-Kroger grocery stores, the city with no pulse, then Atlanta is a perfect place to live.To me, Charleston was never about all white faces (what the hell?), too many similar restaurants, too may recipes for shrimp and grits and beach after beach. I don’t see the implied racism, polo-playing upper-crust set at all. I just don’t hang out with the good old boys. It has always been about family, personal history, generations of the same mud between your toes, fascinating architecture and courtyards and the stories…as a writer, she forgot to mention the stories! We have the BEST folklore, ghost stories and story-tellers in the world here. I would also mention shrimping and crabbing, with your the dock he built with his two bare hands. Good bye and good luck to you but why did you have to deliver a such a missive on your way back to Atlanta?
That right there is a lie. You wrote an article for a Southern based website ripping apart a Southern city and its people and you “didn’t expect this much backlash.” Come on, don’t act that stupid. You’re smarter than that.
Denali, you have obviously never had pleasure of experiencing Southern hospitality first hand. We are very hospitable! However, until a discrunteled yankee wants to come and treat us like a pile of shit she stepped in, then we don’t take too kindly to that, and have no problem expressing it. Bless your heart for not knowing the difference.
“I heard there would be beards and boys who like Panic and fishing and camping.”
I can’t believe I wasted any amount of my life reading this GARBAGE. Luckily I stopped reading at the sentence I just quoted.
This chick is taking up valuable internet space!!
You make choices dissimilar to me and wrote an entire article on it, and then respond with similar comments as everyone else, cutting down, talking down, they way you respond is that of a 14 year old girl
No, you’re immature and lack manners. Most people who move to a city they’ve never lived in before and don’t like it just say “it’s not for me” and move. Most people don’t take to the internet to rip apart the city and its people like an angry little teenager and then get upset when people who love said city lash out at her. You chose to write the article, you had to know what the backlash would be so take your lumps and move on.
Some people aren’t fortunate to be blessed with southern charm, which is associated with Charleston, SC and those that live here. Good luck and bless your heart (if you’re a true Charlestonian you’ll know that isn’t always a “sweet southern saying). Charleston is unique and filled with special people. Bless your heart that’s probably why you didn’t fit in.
Seriously, what do you expect to accomplish with this? You’re one obscure woman with an obscure blog. You don’t like Charleston. THAT is the extent of the meaning found in this piece. You seem to be making a case for the idea that, because you found “nothing to do”, the rest of us should shun Charleston so that we can be Cool and “with it”, like you. Sounds like one of those Cool Kids Table things from high school, to me. You don’t like Charleston, Stipulated. I hope you’re okay with the fact that many, many more people like the place than don’t. Some of us appreciate substance and beauty and depth and don’t require the shallow trappings you bemoan the absence of in this silly post. I wish you the best of luck finding a place groovy enough to suit you. Your absence will do nothing but enhance the Charleston experience for the rest of us.
Listen, you people are all deranged and CHS is perfect, no matter from where one hails. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA But seriously, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and one cannot hate someone for their feelings.
Exactly what I said, sure she makes valid points, but backs them up in now with facts or real life examples, just her judgments
She maes judgements not opinions
For real, she makes reasonable comments only to add rude hateful comments at the end of each statment
Exactly – she’s a damn yankee! lol
That last comments sums up your writing ability. You make valid points and then quickly ruin them with a rude smart ass comment fueled by your own distaste instead of backing up with valid visual facts. Opinions are fine just when you start talking down to everyone else is a little beyond journalistic integrity
What does everyone expect here? It’s an opinion piece on a blog. It’s a fair opinion. If she didn’t like her time in Charleston, she’s more than free to express that. Why does that upset some folks?
That being said, I think 6 months isn’t a lot of time to really establish yourself and find a really solid group of friends that helps with getting to know a city and it’s surrounding areas. With more time, Jenn would have realized that there are groups of young adults not in the F&B sector- there is a blossoming tech scene here. Also, there’s a nearly 2-1 one young adult-to-teen ratio. That’s a strong economic indicator of jobs for young adults, not to mention others around our age to meet and hang out with.
In regards to the lack of diversity claim, I just don’t see it. In all honesty, none of my closest friends grew up in/around Charleston. I have plenty from around the state, but most of my friends are from out of state. I guess that’s not diverse in a cultural sense, but sticking to how the author paints the picture. It would seem that culturally, there are a lot of mostly white, black and Hispanic folks here (shout outs to my Korean friends though!). Not so diverse culturally.
So, I can respect the opinion here, but don’t agree with it at all. I grew up in Atlanta (18 years), have plenty of friends there, visit several times a year for family and them. Saying that there’s more to do there just seems like a stretch. If we were comparing Charleston to, say, NYC, SF, Denver, then this would make more sense. But, Atlanta? I never moved back for a reason.
Having been in Charleston for the past 9 years, it’s easy to see that this author paints a very small picture of their short period of time here. To those getting upset by this, stop. Take this piece for what it is- an opinion.
Dude search oriental resturants Charleston and get back with me with the results haha I’m in my mid 20s, never a dull day here, and also baseball? Lol try a hockey game maybe?
Its hard to make friends when you are being a judge mental snob. Try opening up your mind and heart and you will see that people are just people no matter where they live.
As a person who has lived literally all over the globe, I can say with certainty that you are one of the most pretentious and miserable people I have ever encountered (albeit from your essay alone). The inability to appreciate the nuances of different regions, cultures, and cities and to go public and ridicule any particular one of those is just immature and frankly, idiotic. Based on this, I question your claim to be “single by choice” at 34. My “Spidey Senses” tell me that there probably hasn’t been a line of men bending down on one knee to capture your heart, as dark and contemptuous as it is. You claim that Charleston is basically “beneath” your refined sense of culture and need for diversity. However, I’m doubtful that you’ve ever even stepped foot outside of your own country for more than an extended vacation. I have lived (for many years) in numerous countries in Europe, Asia, and even in Africa, and…….guess what……..I’ve been to Charleston and can appreciate it’s charm. I’m sorry, but if you moved to Charleston expecting it to be a carbon copy of SF or NYC, or any other trendy metropolis, well………then I question your intelligence. Did you even manage to do any research before making the move? You are a sad human. Maybe if you weren’t so complacently negative and entitled, you wouldn’t be sad and alone.
1 of 88,028
Boomerang this?
Mar 21, 2015 9:00AM.
Bryan Crabtree
8:08 AM (3 minutes ago)
to Mackenzie
The Bryan Crabtree Show I’ve been here 17 years and have really no complaints about what Charleston has allowed me to do. There is a ton of opportunity here. With that said, I can’t find a single thing in error that she has asserted. I’ve been successful here because of people like her. Hundreds of them have called me to sell their homes in the past 14-15 years because they (in their words) “want to get out of here.” They’ve shared their business stories with me, told me how arrogant they find the locals (meaning born here or agree with the those that are born here regardless of how long you live here). If I assert an opinion on public policy, my point is rarely debated by a local; they immediately turn to “how long have you lived here” BS and dismiss me as an irrelevant citizen with no right to opinion regardless of how many people I’ve employed, currently employ or the taxes I pay. Purpose here is sitting outside in the bugs in 100 degree heat watching the World go by, instead of getting out there and helping people who are struggling getting active in Charity or Church or taking a stand on things that break your heart. We have some of the worst schools in the Country and we elect and re-elect politicians who take normal evil politics to a level nearly untested in America. And, then (Bobby Harrell – former speaker of the house) when they plead guilty of the crimes they committed 45% of his district still votes for him because he was still on the ballot. Charleston is a beautiful place. In fact, I’m not sure there is a more beautiful city in The United States. And, it might be top ten in the World. Very few can argue that. But, Good God people!!!!!! Beauty is only skin deep. We still act like we are a segregated society (a client told me that three weeks ago), we leave our kids behind to be abused by parents, the men in our state are the most violent of any state against Women and we show up late for work and leave early here in Charleston. If what I’ve just described offends you, you either are not part of that, because you are the exception and not the norm OR – you are offended because, I’ve described your inner feelings. When I shop in Atlanta, I get treated with respect as if my business is appreciated. When I shop in my own city, I’m treated like I’m bothering the person who’s goods and/or services I’m about to acquire. It disgusts me and it’s part of our culture. You can say, ‘well if you don’t like it move…” and you’ll then be part of the apathy that is the problem; unwilling to admit, address and change. We have a lot of work to do here to be as beautiful inside our city as our city appears to be. And thank God that Boeing, Boesch, Daimler and others are moving in because a rising tide does lift all boats; and Lord knows we need to raise the bar, raise the tide and improve our standards of living. We owe it to God as part of our Faith (and to put our 100% in everything we do) and we owe to the future for our kids and grand-kids. Now, let many throw their daggers at me as Charlestonians do when someone dares to call out the wrongs of our arrogant society.
Interesting- I’m a biracial transplant who moved here almost 8 years ago. My first 6 months I didn’t like it either. I’m older and into diversity. But, I love Charleston now. Married a very “non-Charleston” Charleston native a year ago and love this city and my life. You can’t cluster all natives into one pot, and while this city is not metropolitan, it’s gorgeous, full of history, and not boring. And as a vegetarian, there is a ton of yummy healthy food popping up everywhere. It’s an evolving city and its fun to be here for the ride.
The ignorance in these comments prove her point. Don’t let the door hit you….. Yankee……. C’mon we are in 2015. Get some new material. Charleston is a wonderful city to visit & everyone is so sweet & friendly when you are dropping your money but once you more here you are treated like a leper. We get it. You don’t like outsiders, northerners or people that have differing opinions. To be honest, I think she was being polite on her piece. She didn’t mention “native” stickers or “swamp life” stickers. That could have been an entire paragraph.
Economic disaster? Don’t blame your shit finances on a city haha
Ewwwww, that place is dirty & disgusting. WORST Mexican ever.
I heard the same thing. Someone needs to tell these people the civil war ended a long time ago.
I’ve been to Atlanta several times….. Please stay there.
Charleston over Atlanta definitely! Atlanta makes me cringe, I visited friends there a few times, they also couldn’t wait to get out of Atlanta and back to beautiful Charleston!
I actually can sympathize with some of your feelings, being a northern transfer from Detroit, the lack of population in this state was a bit of a culture shock. I definitely don’t agree that there isn’t diversity. Maybe there isn’t diversity in the white community only, but there is a strong heritage of african-american citizens here and their culture is fun, friendly, and family-oriented.
I love Charleston but once in awhile I agree it can get boring. When you’re used to living in an area with millions of people of COURSE there is more to do. I think 3 hours to mountains from here is a short drive for some hiking and camping. Theres the beach, yes, but ALSO kayaking, paddle boarding, kite boarding, surfing, all kinds of beachy outdoor things to do.
People are being a bit hard on you, and yes this city can be boring sometimes. I also have likened Charleston to a city with small-town charm, and it is obvious you want a true city. I also believe that people make the place you live. If you have a large group of friends who are close and true anywhere can be home.
Im 24 and seem to be doing just fine. But then again I got a useful degree in College.
The South will rise again. Its heritage not hatred. Blah, blah, blah. The comments on here only strengthen the author’s critique.
Nobody said it was friendly except for articles and ‘blogs’ you read on the internet. But people love to listen to what they read and want to drop everything to come experience it. The residents here, by that i meant people who have been here at LEAST 20 years, are reaching a tipping point with annoying tourists and Ohioans influencing our city. Go back, we dont care for you, nor care how you feel how our hospitality is.
Hey Jenn, don’t miss out on taking a stroll down America St before you leave, it looks even better at night!
FYI – lower income families are being pushed out of city centers all over the world. It’s called gentrification. In no way is this exclusive to Charleston.
You speak of 2 cities you dislike in South Carolina yet you would condemn the whole state to separation from the union? This to me seems rather ignorant. I have no problem with you disliking Charleston and Columbia, I am not fond of Atlanta and I can think of a couple other cities in Georgia in which I would not like to live. My beef does not come with your dislike of Charleston or Columbia, my beef stems from the fact that you write the whole state off as worthless based off your opinion of 2 cities. South Carolina too has mountains and lakes and rivers just like Georgia, it´s called the upstate.
i couldn’t agree more! I moved to Charleston from Virginia right before I started high school and was automatically shunned. Now I’m graduating from College of Charleston, still wishing to be back in Virginia. If you come from an area where there is so much to do for any age to Charleston, it will disappoint you.
How Charleston wins best city, or whatever, award is beyond me. Give Charleston a week and you will be able to do everything it has to offer. I mean what can you expect from a city that still prides itself on starting the Civil War, my apologies, the War of Northern Aggression.
From what I’ve learned living here for eight years, is that unless you are born and raised in Charleston or South Carolina, Southern hospitality is not a thing. You did yourself te biggest favour by leaving. I can’t wait to do the same
#secondthis Laters baby.
Homegirl, you need to forget about whatever folly beach surfer that nexted you haha Everything is gonna be ok. Charleston really is the best place on earth. They don’t call it the “Holy City” for nothing! Give it another chance, and get back on that horse…or or whatever it is that you basic chicks do. Bless it! #thirsty #toneitdown #publicserviceannouncement
I really don’t see the reason you had to write this long-winded, unnecessary article.
Just because you don’t like it here doesn’t mean you have to write an article full of things that aren’t true.
I grew up in Charleston, and I agree with you whole heartedly. I just moved to Lakewood Washington, and after 20 years in Charleston I can honestly say I don’t miss it. You hit the nail on the head my friend. For a Charlestonian, the only extracurricular activities available are drinking, more drinking, sunbathing, drinking, mini golf, and yet more drinking. The only reason most charlestonians can stand the monotony of the city itself is because they are continuously in a drunken stupor. Historical value aside the city lacks anything of real value. It’s citizens lack any real substance, and in general it lacks any real interest. It’s that place you go and wonder why you came.
You wanted a diverse culture and millions of people living extremely busy lives working for a bunch of big corporations crammed in the city yet you move to a laid back town in South Carolina?? LOL I don’t believe you ever visited Charleston before moving there.
In the end I don’t really think people care about the fact that you’re unmarried or whatever; I think they care more about the fact that you’re an asshole who just insulted and entire state full of people. Way to white-wash and stereo type everyone in a city. Good idea isolating and disregarding hundreds of years of African American suffering and history because you can’t see it in Mt. Pleasant and King St. Downtown. (I’m sorry people aren’t put on display for you as amusement) You clearly stayed in a certain part of Charleston which doesn’t make “us all the same” it makes you an asshole who won’t leave your own damn ivory tower. I’d pretty much chalk up you being board to your personality…or lack there of. I get it you’re adventurous because you like “fly fishing and seeing new places” forget seeing actual history and culture noooo that isn’t authentic enough for you. Im not even going to touch on your whole food thing because that’s just ignorance at its finest. Also why even comment on the men? Was your only goal in coming to Charleston to get you a man? That whole bit kinda undercuts your pro-feminism undertone. Making it seem like the dating pool should be a factor in where you move….? YOU SHOULD BE TEACHING YOUNG INDEPENDENT WOMEN (people in general) TO MOVE BECAUSE THEY WANT TO SEE A NEW PLACE AND HAVE NEW ADVENTURES NOT PURLY TO FIND A PARTNER. That other idea is just insulting. I’m not saying South Carolina or Charleston is the perfect place to live. Heck I don’t even like living here all the time. It really is not a fit for everyone and if you do actively hate it this much then yes you should move. There is still people with backwards morals and aristocratic views. Those type of people are slowly becoming the minority but that is an idea that still faces all americans just in different ways. Don’t give that as an excuse to accuse a whole state of being ignorant, there are ignorant people everywhere. (As proven by this article and by comments made on both sides) There are good people and bad people everywhere. I have lived in both the North and the South and I can say I have preferences but I understand I’m only seeing one (very small) side of people, you can’t judge everyone based on that. So in an act of solidarity I will now say something I don’t think I’ve ever said sincerely and will probably never say again but… Bless your heart.
I agree that our Mexican food is good (I prefer Maria’s) but hot and spicy food actually does goes best in hot, humid climates (as in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia , India, Burma, etc). The thought is that the food makes you sweat and then cool off.
Good point. Japan is the absolute most homogeneous place I have ever been to!
I am from Charleston (not the born part but I was raised here). I LOVE Charleston, that being said I agree with much of what the author had to say and really enjoyed her article. I am not a “lifer” because I couldn’t wait to go far away for college. I moved to San Francisco which is so diverse it seems that you should have a passport to visit. I loved San Francisco. I felt lonely and like an outsider there and I’m glad I never had to endure that dating scene but I loved it there and my husband and I hope to move back one day. When I lie in bed here at night I dream of my favorite Burmese restaurant or spending the day in China town or North Beach. But when I was there I dreamed of she crab soup, shrimp and grits , cheese straws , boiled peanuts, sweet tea, biscuits, etc. Also I was bored there. I couldn’t understand what there was to do if not go to the beach or on the boat every day and I couldn’t get through a month with an “r” and not go to an oyster roast. Now I am here and I am bored and would give anything to visit some of SF’s more substantial museums, free concerts, etc. I guess I am a classic ” the grass is greener” girl but my point is you can love both. There is a dichotomy to one’s soul, interests, and passions. I lived in CA for 8 years (7 in SF and 1 in LA). Once I married I moved back because with all its faults that were touched on (and let’s admit it, accurately) by the author this is where I wanted my kids to be born and raised. I wanted Charleston for them bc I love Charleston and true love comes when you accept something for all it is, faults and all. I deal with bordom, cravings for more authentic ethnic options, etc but I also have my breath taken away by the natural beauty every single day. I get a kick out of an old man in a bow tie and seersucker, I live for sunsets puttering down the creek on the boat, the warm ocean heals my soul like no other, and don’t get me started on my love affair with soul food (and I’m a pescatarian so this doesn’t even include BBQ or fried chicken). Charleston does not have a lot diverse culture, anyone who has traveled extensively or lived in a real urban environment can attest to that. But what the author is failing to see is that Charleston is its own culture. It’s so unique that a city can have its very own culture. You call it homogenous and it mostly is but that’s what creates a city culture. Yes people dress alike , think alike , eat and drink alike but these are the attributes to a culture. How many places are so proud of their state flag? It’s a beautiful thing. When I was a college freshman in SF I felt a lack of identity when thrown in with kids who clung so strongly and proudly to being Italian, Mexican, Malaysian, Lebanese, etc… But then I quickly realized I had a very strong culture running through my veins as well. I didn’t have a unique nationality to identify with (after all we were all in the US) but I quickly learned that being from Charleston, a city that is so well preserved in its customs, I did have a culture of my own to share. I was unaware I had an accent or that certain words and phrases were unique to Charleston/the South. Charleston may not have a lot of cultural diversity like other major cities but what it does have is the ability to stand on its own. So rather than thinking of it as a boring vanilla town, think of it as its own little country and embrace it for what it is. As for moving here and having a hard time fitting in- I can totally empathize with that. Some cities are just that way. I can see how this place would be hard for outsiders. People here are so proud and right or wrong they cling tightly their traditions so this unique culture does not become obsolete. But Charleston IS changing- it’s so different from the place that was the back drop of my childhood. I’m sorry you didn’t have a great experience here. I think it’s probably a bit hit or miss but don’t just dismiss! I am from here and have lived else where, traveled around the world (Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, etc) and I would have loved to have hung out with you (all be it on the boat ;)). My point is while you correctly identified a stereotype here, you failed to acknowledged those from here who happily lie outside that beloved stereotype. Safe travels back to ATL and come back for a visit! (PS the “you” is directed at the author and not who ever’s thread I commented on).
Duddette…or however yoh hell the spell it…hope you stop reading this…but So FUN reading your trips….i Hear…ya…was told to not go north of Calhoun for fear of some mugging….I was in a gay bar…and I thought I belonged till I saw it was…nothing against ’em mind you, then I was the only white dude in a skeeta beach bar…pissing off bruddahs…cause I did….not intentionally…sorry..I look GOOD…but the natural environment of the lowcountry if you know how to dress for success…is bellissimo… I ain’t saying the majority of the pops/pips aint college educateded….but they do have heart, soul, and feelings….most of the peeps you talK about…just mebbe..trying to survive,, puttin up fronts…like us all…”the worlds a stage”…but charleston is great to me..for it’s natural environment which is why it’ established a foothold here from the getgo…NOW…as far as getting along with peeps and social sheeeet…get a life..but the reason why many people stay here is because we love to get on boats and get way from pees..n enjoy the beauty of mother nature..if you didn’t find a siginficant to due that with…try it again…with some one who knows…Not me I’m taken. It ain’t perfedt…tell me …good lady what place on earth is…besides..your brain?
You literally said everything I wanted to maddie. Amen!!!
i just want to say keep what you think to yourself. You must have had a thought in your mind that this would cause people to be offended. I am personally very offended. There are many other things than the beach and downtown and if you want “good” food why don’t you make your way down to the little hole In the wall restaurants. You never know a food truck could be the best food ever. I’m sorry I just had to put in my two sense. Plus the “vanilla” guys are usually the nicest. You just didn’t see it. I recently just moved to Seattle from charleston and I miss it dearly but I’m not going to spread hate about it. Im still adjusting. A new place is hard to fit into. I’m a military brat so I know all about moving. Just please don’t spread hate. Charleston isn’t for everyone. And I’m glad to say it’s for me. Thanks! P.s. Saying bless your heart is only going to make us even more mad.
Did anyone else notice that while the ‘author’ stated she doesn’t want to go to the beach every day and can’t party in the bars every night, her bio states that when she has free time, you’ll likely find her “in a river with a fly rod, or in a bar with whiskey in hand”?? By all means, please take your hypocritical pot-kettle-black arse back to the ATL!
I couldent agree more and I only visited for a week! My home towns New York, so I know true diversity. All I’m sayin is I would volunteer as tribute before moving to charleston. Heck no.
It is Asians, not Orientals (unless of course you are referring to one of your grandmother’s heirloom rugs).
Jenn, use your words. You should realize this article has caused a stir. You’ve said enough rude things in one article.
What a bias article! I was born and raised in charleston. I’m an artist living in Chicago now. There is so much beauty, people are so so kind, and it’s one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever seen. This lady evidently was never introduced to the right people. Some places aren’t for everyone. I don’t like cities, but I don’t feel the need to write articles bashing them!
James island is one of the best places to live in Charleston. They still throw some kick ass parties and there is plenty of harbor boat access there.
Isn’t the issue that you don’t have any friends? Why don’t you say what really happened? also bad move putting your picture on here when you know how much pride these natives have for their city.. Should make your last month interesting…
lets gets a few things straight. In the south, especially SC, the word “you all” is not in the dictionary. It’s Y’ALL. Second, if you don’t like it then move back to where you came from. Trust me the locals you talk so badly about aren’t going to complain. We are tired of ppl moving here. Third, not every guy in mtp wears pastel shorts and a bow tie. Never owned a bow tie and never will. Fourth, I could write a whole book on bad shit about Atl. Fifth, you saw the mountains are an hr from Atl and the beach is just a few more. Well the boat ramp is 100 yards from me and the mountains are just a few hrs. I’ll take my town any day of the week and twice on Sunday. All that being said, glad your leaving. As the country song goes…”give me back my hometown”
What is your definition of “progress?”
Please don’t leave town before you go on a date w me. You look like you are hiding quite a bit of personality below your neck-up only photo shots but you obviously have a nack for pressing buttons… I admire that. I consider that a defense mechanism for a bruised spirit. If you agree to meet up I promise not to disappoint you or show my rear… Being the pale vanilla that it is… Let me know – BB
Charleston is a friendly city. All of the locals are friendly people, until you give us a reason not to be. Such as bashing our hometown that we love. It is quite apparent this author did not spend enough time nor care to learn more about this city and their locals. We wouldn’t be voted number 1 city in America for 4 years straight if it weren’t true. And number 2 in the whole world!
So I just read this…including comments…and I can’t help but put in my two cents. First of all, I’m 24 years old and will probably never leave Charleston. I lived in Charlotte for one year and couldn’t wait to get back here. I do see where it isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay! I don’t judge you for it…the rest of you who live here need to chill out. However, I will say if you take a jab at Charlestonians, we will take it personally. We have a lot of pride for our town. I mean A LOT. It’s really hard to get the full taste of the area in only 6 months. And our food is a lot more diverse than what your blog states. But, with that being said, this page is simply your opinion and you can’t make everyone happy…good luck in finding your happy place!
Does Atlanta even have oyster roasts?
Your comment is a sexist piece of trash.
I lived in Atlanta years ago. It was just ok. I did like Eats, Fat Mats and a few other places but nothing upscale or low scale ever really blew me away. There were a few decent sports in V. Highlands but they were nothing compared to the food in Chas … Charleston gets all of the great chefs. The best area 10 years ago known as “Buckhead,” I hear now is just a dangerous ghetto thug drug dealing area. Other than that there isnt much to Atlanta except for vanilla suburbs for miles. I also felt very land locked as ATL is miles and miles away from any decent beach. I have lived all over but if I had to choose 3 places to live in ‘Merica it would be LA, NYC and Charleston. I doubt ATL would even be in my top 20. You are prob better off going back to Hoboken aka “joisy” or whatever slum you came from.
You are so right Joshua! I attended a party soon after I arrived in Charleston as was told that a Damn Yankee in Charleston is someone who stays and tries to change things. God forbid progress.
I’m a TRUE local of this city, ACTUALLY BORN and raised here, I can testament I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE OBSESSION THE WORLD HAS WITH THIS CITY. It’s no better than anywhere else. In sure it’s nice to visit but FORTY people move here everyday… The thing she said about the tourists showing up and the traffic is so true. I’m sorry, this city is boring for the 20-30 crowd. AGAIN, I’M A LOCAL, I’ve never lived anywhere else, I’ve seen it all and done it all. It’s old, it gets boring. And everything is expensive. It’s just like any other city. Except loads of people move here daily and we don’t have the space to accommodate it and just about every other week they are tearing down historical structures and replacing them with overpriced homes they rent for $3000 a month. Oh and this “friendliest city in America” thing is a load of garbage. Half the people here are transplants and as the many rude commenters on this page have proven, Charleston is not fond of outsiders. People in this city are rude just like any other city. This isn’t some magical oasis, just another boring city that’s for some reason become a major tourist hot spot.
Don’t sweat the haters. I grew up all over Charleston. Now, I live downtown, and at 24 years old I find your words bringing about the realization that it’s about time I grow a little and move out of this little bubble. All the love and great things people have to say about Charleston aren’t wrong, they’re just opinions that not everyone shares. Personally, a lot of mine align with yours. I’m a city kid to the bone, and this town is just too small.
You make some great points about the diversity and how there’s not really much to do. If you’re not into saltwater, Southern French food, or getting hammered 3 nights a week then your options are few. They’re not nonexistent, just few. Yes, there’s ethnic food, there are people who don’t rock the pastels, there is subculture and art and lesbians and transgendered people, but just like there’s sushi at Rue de Jean. It’s here, but it ain’t what you come here for and it ain’t what this place is known for. A lot of people are understandably happy with this being the case, because on the few nights out of many where they’re feeling something different from the usual it’s available. But for those of us for whom the script is flipped it’s an opposite feeling.
For a lot of people this place is amazing, and the hype it gets isn’t undeserved. But as most of the haters have pointed out, we’re not all the same so why should we all feel the same? I’ve been here 18 years out of my 24 and I agree with every point you made. I’ll even throw some thanks out there because like some eloquent commenter said before me this place really is the ultimate anti-wanderlust spot and it’s tough to get up the courage to uproot. Pretty sweet to hear some opinions I agree with for once.
Yes Long way to go – I know too many people who have been in Charleston for a few years hoping it would get better only to find they were even more miserable over time.
Exactly Jenn – but isn’t it a bit fun to sit back and enjoy all their silly little comments which confirm everything you just wrote? : )
If the transplants got to know actual locals and hung out with us it would be a whole different story. Thing is, they don’t, instead they meet other transplants. Locals know a lot of really fun, different places to hang out. Not to mention the majority of us are really very nice.
Pour house, music farm, family circle stadium, north chas coliseum, performing arts center, reggae festival among other festivals… Not to mention almost every restaurant has live music.
Charleston wasn’t meant for yankees, so it’s no wonder you don’t appreciate it. Furthermore, you are not southern and never will be, so the fact that you have decided to create a blog about being southern is absolutely absurd. My suggestion to you, dear, is to stop saying yall and to either blog about something you actually know about or find a new hobby.
must be your dogs
Ms Jenn
You are obviously leaving Charleston on your own accord and for your own reasons. I find interesting that someone as open minded as you want us to think you are would not just mark it up to experience and move home. No, you found it your job to to tell us that our town is just to vanilla for someone as cosmopolitan as yourself. The reason some think you of Yankee origins is that although you have the right to your opinion, the article is in bad taste and smells of someone seeking attention, which you got. Well played
How charming you are CJ. That must be the famous southern hospitality in the “friendly” city of Charleston. Keep it up – proving every point she made.
Born and raised here in Charleston. I respect your thoughts and opinions on my gorgeous city. Now, if you could kindly take all of the transplants with you so the locals can have their peaceful town back, that’d be great. As you say “bye Felicia”!
Well bless your heart darling. You see you left out some major points here in Charleston. We don’t have to leave to go to the big city. We enjoy gathering with our family and friends (you obviously don’t have those) I’m sorry you are unhappy here, but I honestly don’t thing Charleston is what was boring.
If you wanted water, adventure, entertaining, excitement you could have driven just a few miles and found all of these. Our lakes are beautiful, our parks full of wood land to enjoy. So much to offer, guess you didn’t make the right friends (if any) to show you some of our prize places we have to explore.
But, regardless Charleston, Atlanta, the mountains, or even China…you are responsible for your own happiness, in order to enjoy life..You yourself must be happy. I certainly hope you find that happiness. generally at 34 most do. I guess we can gather from your hostility you are just unhappy with yourself and life in general..Bless your heart sweetie, sorry you couldn’t fit in.
Matter of fact, half of most of my classes in high school, in come capacity, included people born and raised in Michigan or Ohio.
She completely ignored the Metropolitan area. Hell, she acts like all Charleston is is just Downtown and Mount Pleasant. What about Goose Creek, James Island, Johns Island, Isle of Palms, Hanahan, North Charleston even has its own positives and its perhaps the roughest part of the city. She stayed in her own bubble, and now she is taking to the internet to complain about it. Also, unmarried by choice, and she is blaming the city for it, when I’m still placing grams on the scale on what is uglier, her face or her attitude. We pride ourselves on manners, but I’m throwing them out of the window. And to her mentions on diversity, this metalhead says fuck you Jenn Cinnavelli or Ciccadelli or Cockaroaches or whatever the flying fuck your surname is, and I emplore you, don’t drive safely on the way back to Atlanta.
being wrong and stupid name is Jenn Ciccrelli
Well, that would require her snobby ass to go to North Charleston for the most part, wouldn’t it?
As a transplanted Charlestonian whose family is more than seven generations! It is all about what makes you happy! If you appreciate history, water, beautiful weather
and nice people then Charleston is your place, if not
I was not brought up to be rude to you about your choice .
Culture is different in Charleston, as we were a port
that brought many places in the world to us! We are not a typical Southern city ! After the civil war many were destitute and you might wish that on the history. Our families stuck together and kept our traditions vital and strong. As progress has reached us so have transplants, but I might mention this ever so clearly. Take note, A TRUE Charlestonian, (native or not) knows the secret of her charm. The Holy City has beauty, grace, culture and hospitality. I’m sorry if you never found that Charleston, but she truly lives ! I hope you find your niche
in the world.
Very well put. Awesome perspective.
Thanks. You know I’ve lived in the South long enough to know that bless your heart means go fuck yourself. You can be honest; I was. 🙂
Thank you! Apparently I’m devil Yankee woman who will die alone for wanting more out of life than Charleston can offer me. These comments are cracking me up!
You are so funny! I love how you are speaking for me like we’ve met. I live on James Island. How does being wrong and stupid feel?
Agree. Thanks for taking the time to share. 🙂
Atlanta and Charleston are 2 completely different lifestyles. I’m not surprised she didn’t like it here. It’s the slow life down here, take it or leave it, but I would much rather life be slow than let it zoom right past me…
La Ha is the GROSSEST Mexican I’ve ever had. This is my point. Everyone these is up in knots about things I consider mediocre or bad. I don’t know to change my opinion on this.
Yikes! I hope you’re moving sooner rather than later. I don’t think you’ll be encountering much of our boring, vanilla Charleston southern hospitality after this article circulates.
Totally agree. Gems and Jerks. Appreciate your kind closing words. I sincerely didn’t expect this much backlash, as I could never imagine my day being impacted by the thougts of a stranger and I clearly got everyone going. 🙂
Sorry you experienced the same disappointments I have (and that you understand that doesn’t make me a terrible person!) Hope you find your spot, or make your way home. 🙂
I couldn’t agree more. Also, about your complaint that there is nothing to do….try moving to Carlsbad, NM from Charleston (where I currently reside due to my husband’s park ranger job) Count your blessings. My family is originally from MA. You want endless winter in exchange for “stuff”? No thanks. I can drive 4 hours north of South from Charleston and have plenty.
I very much appreciate your offer! Sadly, my time in Charleston is pretty short now. But best of luck to you and your church family!!
This is really sweet and I appreciate you reaching out. I’m moving in just a couple of weeks (I know everyone on thia thread is VERY EXCITED) but if there is time, I’ll definitely be in touch!
I was ok with this until the “Or Columbia. Let’s not even go there. I pretty much think now we were wrong in our decision to not let South Carolina leave the Union.” Wham bam right in the clam… South Carolinians can be angry Southerners.
As a born-and-raised Charleston girl, you covered a lot of reasons why I left Charleston and don’t see myself returning for very long time-at least not until I’m married and ready to raise a family. And goodness knows an ambitious, college-educated woman who wants an actual career wouldn’t find a husband in Charleston. You’re right about a lot of things, especially the lack of southern gentlemen with ambition and a chance at a career, the lack of things to do, and the people. I have one issue only: come on, the food?! You can’t deny the food’s amazing!
I think the croquet ball bounced! Have you seen these comments?! Holy Cow! Who has time?
A rude yankee woman? Shit, Rhett Butler, I thought this was 2015. Do you have slaves too? Gross!
As someone who has lived in Charleston since I was born and also as an African American, I just want to say THANK YOU! This blog actually gave me hope that it isn’t me, it’s South Carolina. Don’t get me wrong, there are things to do when you just fall on a good day but this city is b o r i n g. I’m currently an in-state college student as it’s the same in different parts of Charleston. I do think it’s hard to compete with such a major city as Atlanta but Charleston really is one big retirement vacation city. I’m happy to know that everyone isn’t as close-minded, retarded, and bland as I thought, and SC is just last (like many other things) in a lot of things.
I wrote it because I was askes to provide my take on my time in Charleston. Can only be honest.
You do realize you had the option not to read or be impacted by this, right? Like, you getting all butthurt and insulting my character is way more out of line and tacky than me using hyperbole to write a blog.
Carry your Yankee ass back North!!!
How can an opinion be wrong? That’s what makes it an opinion.
This is my problem with everyone’s feedback. Strangers getting SO mad over the opinion of a stranger. Why do you care enough about what I think to get upset about it? Have we met?
Congratulations for realizing what best fits your preferences. I have lived many places…some great, some not so great, but managed to find wonderful friends in each and every one. Guess you have to know how to bloom where you are planted.
I wouldn’t be offended as I have the inner confidence to not pay much mind to what people think about what I’m doing. Don’t like Atlanta? Don’t like there! Wanna complain about it? Go for it. All you guys got so worked up and I’m sitting here with all my friends laughing.
Her perception is her reality. Are we supposed to apologies to her collectively because she couldn’t fit in or for not amusing her? A well adjusted person would just leave without making such a spectacle of themselves.
Agree. 🙂 On all points.
Agree, thanks. I love how not liking a city turned into an attack on my character. Most ignorant thread the internet has ever seen.
Having grown up here I can tell you that there is more diversity than you know. In fact there is a large community of Russian immigrants that work in Charleston and Charleston county. The community of Hispanics is also vibrant here. The black community is also central to local culture and history. There is even a growing German community. I have lived here all 21 years of my life and am still learning. I wouldn’t say after six months that I knew all of Atlanta. If you want to learn more about Charleston and its diversity stop being a tourist and start being a resident.
Yeah, but they suck. 🙂
Oh and if you don’t have the patience or appreciation then please, leave. My momma always taught me if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Unless of course your defending something. It’s people like YOU that move here that our ruining this city.
and btw I do not where pastels, lily pullitzer or any of that. You really did make quite the assumptions about us who grew up here and are the REAL locals sweety. Good job at making yourself look like a those “hipsters” who go to CofC and how they bug the crap out of me too. Congrats.
What a rude yankee woman!!! She doesn’t care for Atlanta either. O dear! Sounds like she needs to go back up north where the sun hasn’t shown in quite a while. Ta Ta sweetie. You definitely don’t fit in our lovely city.
Amen!! Sorry we didn’t deliver our town to you on a silver platter.. Get over yourself dear. I was born and raised here in this “boring” town yet 26 almost 27 years later I’m still finding new things to do. And you really think the food here is all the same? Seriously?! No, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to eat “well”. Do you think us normal folk just eat like shit if we don’t go out downtown to a 4 star restaurant? Give me a break. You aren’t ready for this town. Try again when you have less unrealistic expectations.
Wow. This is wrong in so many ways it’s actually kind of funny. I was born and raised here in Charleston (yes i am VERY proud of it). It is actually very cultural and ethnic in many, many ways. Obviously you did not try very hard to get in with the actual locals of all the surrounding areas of Charleston. Now don’t get me wrong, downtown Charleston is now pretty overrated, especially because of all the CofC kids and the snobby South of Broad people (not all of them are snobby but just about 95% are) but if you really took the chance to get around all around Charleston, you’d find there is PLENTY to do. Now, I’m not bashing you or anything of the sort but you assumed quite a lot about this city. Yes, we’re simple here and laid back but we’re not all “bums”. I have traveled all around the world and gotten to travel a lot growing up, but even through Germany, France, Italy, Amsterdam and half the US, nothing quite reaches what we have here. I’m 25 years old and have A LOT of dreams and a big bucket list that I want to do and fill, yes i’d love to get married one day but unlike those supposed “lifers” you like to call us, I don’t revolve my world around getting married. I go with the flow and go where life takes me. If i move away, I move away, If i want to try a different job, i’m going to go for it… basically the world is mine and i’m going to do everything and anything I can. I don’t have a plan for my life. Like me, most of the true locals go with the flow as well. Maybe you should rethink moving and actually get to know the REAL locals…. Just some friendly advice. And also, you shouldn’t assume such things like you did in such a short amount of time. In reality, YOU are the close minded one that is such a forward thinker that you don’t take the time to get to see and know something for what it really is. Instead you jump to assumptions as soon as it doesn’t seem to be going the way you expect. Have patience and give things a bit more time darlin’. Bless your heart 🙂
You truly have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re nothing more than a boring, plain, northern transplant hippie who isn’t cut out to live in Charleston. Take your things and please leave this state altogether. You and your unhappy single life will not be missed.
i applaud you for writing this! I couldn’t have said it better myself 🙂 I moved to Charleston from the North and while I had a great time in my mid 20s that’s all it was. Charleston is a good time if you want to be single having fun with your girlfriends. And then someday you have to grow up and you realize, wow the guys here are not my type and all want the same thing. I would have loved to have stayed and had my family their but I definitely need more of a city. More things to do and a cultural experience to raise my son in! Plus my husband loves music and of course their is not much of that in charleston 🙂
I’ve lived in Charleston my entire life, and honestly, the only thing I don’t like about it is the excessive amount of tourists.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how offensive. Just don’t act surprised that people have reacted so strongly to your opinion. You must have known this article would strike a chord with some folks. Isn’t that precisely why you wrote it???
what you say simply isn’t true. You may not have enjoyed your time here, but generalizing based on your limited experience is pretty shortsighted and immature for a 34 year old woman. Two museums? Everything’s fried? Sheesh. Just the tip of your baloney iceburg.
Yes. Agree completely.
Photo credit Anne Rhett Photography.
And most of the High Cotton gentleman are from North Carolina. P.S.
Diversity, over entitlement of your opinion, Panic? I hear California is nice this time of year 😉
I get it… It’s not for everyone. Having said that I would be totally happy if EVERYONE stopped moving here. I’m a Charleston girl born and raised but there really are many sides to a city. On a side note I do not have a plain white face
All the “Bless your hearts” and other sweet nasty comments confirm exactly what the writer said.
I hope you realize that you have bashed one of the most unique cities in America, if not the world honestly. You are right in saying that Charleston is a totally different world. However, that’s what makes this place great. Charleston is a classy, easy going and most importantly, historic city. Our food, dress and speech is unlike any other place in the world. Charleston is a timeless place with one central southern culture. But besides all that, why are you so negative towards this city? You are aware that there is more to this state than just one city? Sure, maybe Charleston isn’t that place for you, but that doesn’t mean you should go write a super negative review of a beautiful city that has a lot to offer. It’s your fault you didn’t like the culture of our city.
I forgot to mention the fact that your offensive diatribe even depicted a picture of multiple clone like figures that is extremely offensive to what is an extremely diverse community where everyone doesn’t look alike. Maybe you think we should all look like you. Heaven forbid Your mouth is very big which makes it easy to put your foot in. Please do not tell me you expected anything positive to come from this. I am surprised you put your name and picture on it. I hate atlanta and avoid it but do not go public to diss it until now. You are entitled to your opinion and please leave charleston if you do not like it. You do not have the right to insult us by saying we are all the same and boring. How can you not see that as offensive. You are obviously doing this for a reason to draw attention to yourself. It can only be negative. So are you a masochist or just do not have a clue. ChArleston is not for everyone. So live where you want to without stirring up a stink. And again I hate Atlanta but who cares. You can be as miserable there as you are here. So go quietly into that darkness and do not expect many people to appreciate your pitiful self opionon of charleston,it’s people,or anything.
While I think the critique could have been a little less scathing, nobody can fault you for your opinion of our city. My boyfriend and I both have family in Atlanta, and much like they would never live here, we would never live there. It’s a matter of finding your niche and in this case, Charleston wasn’t it. Whether the fault lies with its inhabitants, the city itself, or even your own attempts, is subjective. I’m a working professional in her 30s without children. I’m a psychology professor who is also in the process of earning her PhD. My culturally diverse Asian boyfriend works in finance. Obviously, we’re very busy and also have little time for nightlife. While the beach is fun, you have to do more than just lie there to enjoy it. Learn to surf, body board, paddle board, etc. Go to a comedy show or improv night. Head out to Francis Marion National Forest and do some camping. Go check out a new band with friends. Don’t just go to museums – walk around Charleston and FIND hidden art in our beautiful architecture.
This city is what you make of it, and I think a huge part of that is finding what speaks to you. We’re more than just vanilla faces, and I see that when I’m grabbing drinks after work with my transgender girlfriends, attending Black History Month events with my African-American friends, or trying out new Asian recipes for my boyfriend and our favorite Korean-Tai gay couple. Maybe Charleston isn’t right for you, but for me, everything that you find lacking, I experience in droves. Hopefully you’ll find that for yourself once you’ve returned to Georgia, but should you return to Charleston, try to branch out and find what you’ve been missing. Our boring little city just might surprise you. 🙂
I am a lover of many but loved by few… Thought that would sound like a great opening. I lived in Charleston while attending the college many years ago. It was the late 80’s early ’90s and quite different from today. I would go to visit periodically through the years and saw it change layer by layer. Now I live near another beach town, and I have to say, watch out Charleston you are a croquet ball’s bounce from becoming tacky.
yeah you’re totally right. its not like charleston was voted to number 1 city in america 5 years in a row or anything… you’re right. your opinion of charleston shouldn’t offend me but, as a charleston lifer, its like you are insulting a relative or friend. for many people it is there life goal to live in charleston, i know it was mine. i would bet my life if someone wrote this about atlanta you would be offended. obviously its not the place for everyone and i understand that but if you feel the need to post this on the internet to get attention you are shallow
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Great insight!
Thank you for writing that. It’s true. I finally got out after 3 years. I’m now in Greenville because it’s still stateside for school, but I do love Atlanta and visit frequently. Pastel pants with sperrys I will never wear.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t fall in love with the Holy City, either. And lord knows, I tried. I’ve lived all over the country, and as I’ve done every other place, I immersed myself in everything it had to offer. I found the food consistently terrible, the service sub-par, the “Arts” un-inspiring, and the place literally smells like a sewer. The beer is good.
We lived in Mount Pleasant, land of “The Haves” (vs “Have Nots”), where they refer to other parts of city as West Trashley, Gross Creek, etc. God, get over yourselves and realize you aren’t the center of the universe!
I felt like I was living in a snow (sand?) globe. It was surreal.
No hard feelings, just not the place for me.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news “Go back north” but uhhhh…this entire town is full of northerners. Both those who visit here but most of all those who make the world go around here! A large majority of the money spent in this town comes from northern money. Lucky for us northerners, our money is the same color as yours. I bet race is an issue for you too! I would guess you don’t have much money to spend in this town because your ignorance likely effects your success as well. I hope you don’t call yourself a Baptist, too! If so, Jesus is watching! From the North, Bless your heart!
From the tone of this article iT honestly sounds like you are just upset that Charleston wasn’t the dream come true you thought it would be. I myself am a transplant to Charleston and it took some getting used to, to say the least. At first I had come to the same conclusion as you, all of your points seemed completely valid. After about a year I finally found my place. It may seem like there is only one “type” of Charlestonian, but in fact there are many different cliques. I don’t think six months was long enough for you to find your place here in Charleston. It sounds to me like you just didn’t give this city a chance. I have been here for almost six years and sure I may get bored from time to time and I may get annoyed with the standard “College of Charleston type” that is the majority here. I might be a minority, a brunette “just thrown into the mix” with tattoos and a different set of views, but guess what? There are a whole lot of others like me, and that majority accepts me just the way I am. So I think you are being a little narrow minded in your judgments of Charleston. Maybe you should be a little more patient and a little more open minded. Good luck to you!
I enjoyed your article. For the most part you were dead on for the scene that you saw. There is so much more to the lowcountry. I landed here in ’77 to go to school, still here. You do know where Frank went to college? Thanks.
It’s unreal how you hit the nail on the head in only 6 months. WOW! It took me many years to figure out the ignorant and uneducated ways of Charleston. Ranked #1 for tourist and Ranked 48th in education…it sure shows!
Haha wow, I didn’t know that I could disagree with someone so much, but here you come prancing on in with opinions that are almost completely 180 degrees from mine. Just a bit of bg info from yours truly: I’m 25, a programmer from Chicago and Seattle, lived here for two years now, go out every other saturday whether it be downtown or WA, just bought myself a house in WA, and I KNOW what diversity looks like. Let’s go one by one:
“there is plenty of diversity, people who wear reasonably priced jeans and would never look like a southern frat boy, and a lack of gravy and BBQ. I’m proud that these Charleston citizens are nothing like you, though a lot of them are Northern transplants – just like you.”
No, there is barely any diversity. You want to know how I know that? Take a look at the restaurant scene. How many asian restaurants? How many indian restaurants? How many vietnamese restaurants? Compare that to the amount of BBQ and southern bullshit that litter the land, and you can get a pretty good idea of how ‘diverse’ Charleston really is. Trust me when I say that I’m always on the lookout for a face that isn’t black or white, and I rarely (if ever) see it. Sometimes I ask where people are from when they don’t ‘look’ like they are from around here, and guess what? They’re not.
“I never go to the museums or beach, I rarely go downtown. Guess why – there’s plenty of other things to do!”
Let’s face it. Charleston is boring as shit for someone in their mid 20s. You could probably name all the things that ‘you’ think is fun around here, and I probably wouldn’t think the same way.
“Baseball season is the perfect opportunity to socialize and hang out with people your age. ”
lol don’t even get me started on baseball. You do understand that there are people who think that baseball is freakin boring to watch?
“And, please, gtfo if you’re going to keep accusing a Charleston as whole of the few things only accurate (and don’t even matter) of some of its parts.”
She makes some very good points, and articulates them much better than you do. Please get a clue.
I’m only here to get some experience for my career. Next year, I probably wont be here anymore, good riddance.
Charleston is a great place to visit, and probably the worst place to live.
Dear Jenn,
I go to Seacoast Church in Mount Pleasant with a lot of really nice people. Please come visit us once before you leave.
I like your style, Jenn, and find the honest expression of your opinions quite refreshing. As a native Charlestonian, I can admit you’ve made some valid observations. However, there’s also a cool category of “others” here too….they may not make up the mass population but they make music and art and crave culture and diversity just like you. If you’re still around I’d love to do something cliche like sip coffee or craft beer and hear more about the time you spent here. Seriously. Email me if you like,
I can’t understand why folks are so offended by this. Sure, it’s not the most complimentary article, but it’s her experience, and there is no need to be so rude. I spent 20 years in the military and lived in a variety of places like a small town in Nebraska, a little town out in West Texas and a small town tucked away in the pines in Central Georgia. I also lived in DC and spent time overseas. My experience is this: there are gems and jerks everywhere. I live in Summerville now, and Yep, gems and jerks here too, but I refuse to let a location determine my happiness. And, I refuse to let the jerks obscure the gems. My word to the author is to not judge a city based on such a short time, and by all means don’t judge it by the mean spirited Internet trolls who are so liberated by their anonymity. There are good people here, and they want you to feel comfortable and welcome to visit any time.
Having the same experience right now….Moved here in April, and have found all the wrong people and places…Yet, I have family here (aunts uncles, cousins, all)…Everyone is telling me I have found the wrong people, and no help….It is not as nice once you “join their world”….I miss charlotte and their openness to eachother’s culture! The different celebrations just for being who you are (indian fest, greek fest, latino celebration, etc). I feel there is a disconnect between locals and outsiders too….I am proud of my heritage, but no longer proud my family lives here….
personally, I think if you’re an unhappy person you see things only through that filter. Everything is tainted by a poor attitude. But her moving away won’t improve things; at least not for her; Wherever you go, there you are.
I grew up in charleston ,moved away in my early adulthood, came back at the age of 25, and also have found its not the town for me. There are many issues with economics, lack of subculture, etc.. But just like any town its evolving.. And the people living there will be affected.But you article is disturbing because it’s just mean. Why even write such a nasty article?What was your intention? my guess is, you had an expectation that was not met. it’s hard to move into a new community and culture and fit right now in… Probably why you are going home. If you decide to try out a new town, I hope you listen closely to what’s happening and decide consciously how to be a part of it for the good of the whole community…or decide to leave with taste. This is home to people, and no one likes to hear horrible things about their home. Please stop the hate! I hope you find what you are looking for.
I’m not sure as to what the deal is with no culture? I have eaten food all over Los Angeles and Mexico and I have to say … NOBODY has better mexican food than the local restaurant chain “La Hacienda.” The one on James Island is my favorite and the hard shell tacos with the spicy ground beef is done to perfection.
Also if you are looking for ethic food, it doesn’t sell well in such hot weather. That is why you see a lot of fried food because that is the most desired food for humid weather. Most tourists alos want some good down home cookin’ or lowcountry seafood from the locals, not pad thai from a 3rd world country.
I think several people replied while I was writing. Slow computer and all that. I was confusing nothing.
Are you responding to me or to the author bc it seems like you’re confusing the two.
Park circle isn’t her cup of tea. Remember she she’s only been on the peninsula and easy of the cooper.
Not that it’s wrong, but the fact that you’re 34 and still single is probably due to your lack of a simple-pleasure mindset. Or perhaps it could be your rainy day negative nancy state of being. Charleston has been voted so highly on places to visit and see not because of its diversity and plethora of well known 30 somethings that are still single and inventing ground breaking inventions, but because of its simplicity, beauty and historical character. I’m glad you left.
I’ll tell you why she’s bitter – I’ve known a LOT of women from UGA (where the writer is from) and they all seem to be… “horizontally dispositioned”…
She came here, put in some bed work and the men didn’t call her back. Guys like the chase and she’s too easy, so they’re off to the next one. She got burned, became bitter and used up and has let her mistakes in the dating game disenchant her views of our city.
Obviously our wonderful state and beautiful city is not for you! Sorry your expectations were not met but the beauty is you decided to leave. Good luck hope you find excitement were ever you eventually land. Bless Your Heart!
There are two Indian restaurants in west ashley just a couple of lights away from each other.
No subculture!?!? I met nothing but wonderfully friendly skateboarding tattooed freaks when I lived there. Tons of fun loving interesting people. People think of thier friends like family there and treat them accordingly. I moved to Nashville 4 years ago and everyday that goes by I miss Charleston more and more. Yes when I first moved 10 Charleston in 2002 I was intimidated by the tons of beautiful well dressed women I saw walking the cobblestone streets of down town but so what… I’m 31 I swear to you the dating scene is more than frat guys or bow ties but you’ve got to go less vanilla places duh. Go to park circle the Mill has free live shows etc a lot (I’ve seen a sword swallower there even) meet some other adults and please do show the bar patrons you meet this article that you wrote. In fact read it out loud to them.
I had the exact same experience in Charleston as you did. I absolutely loved visiting over the last 10 years, however moving there was a completely different experience. I have lived all over the country & found Charleston to be a very difficult place to fit in. I definitely got the vibe that outsiders are not welcome.(Especially, if God forbid you are from any state above SC) I went with an open hear, excited & incredibly happy to be there. It is perfectly ok that it didn’t work out & I’m relieved to be back where I belong. I’m sure many people wouldn’t love where I live either, but leaving made me realize I do. I only wish I had a friend like you when I was in Charleston. I’m sure it would have made it more bearable.
You talk about being single by choice, but half your argument is bitching about Tinder and the dating selection here. To an outsider, you seem man hungry, whether or not you admit it. And isn’t it a little ironic to admit you’re on Tinder, then bitch about Tinder?
Such a shame – you’re a great looking girl. If only your attitude matched the looks. Another “daddy told me I’d marry a prince” I guess…
And you say that coming from Seattle? Seattle sucks!!!!
As do your comments honey. Your comments have butter written all over them!
Something about your statement about diversity started to pick at me until I had to comment. Diversity based on skin color/race is artificial diversity. It’s the kind of false diversity that colleges bolster their record with. True diversity comes from personalities. It’s more than skin deep. Surround yourself with interesting people and you’ll find diversity for yourself. Most of your statements seem to be judging people on the way they look. Go to China or Japan and you’ll probably find the same lack of “diversity”. That’s such a silly way to judge a city.
You, my dear are one of the ignorants she speaks of.
I completely agree with you. I’ve grown up in and around Charleston, and you’ve hit a lot of the points. Charleston is a city to visit, but not to live in.
The much smaller population means that there is a distinct lack of diversity in things like foods and subcultures. The most diverse places will end up just being the college areas, but you age out of that pretty quickly. While you can find the occasional ethnic foods, it really is a city of the fifteen dollar meal or the fifty dollar meal.
The districts of the city don’t lend to much: Downtown consists of very poor areas, college kids, and the wealthy, with it’s shopping representing that – upscale stores and restaurants. The islands are baited with tourist things or run down locales, so unless you love ten different varieties of beach, there’s little to do there. West Ashley is simply North Charleston with better car dealerships and less sex shops.
Jobs are difficult to obtain in the city, with even staffing companies telling their clients that the jobs are paying less than they should be, but there’s nothing that can be done. Boeing is the staple poster child, but the majority of things heard from them now are just anti-union propaganda. Development in downtown is always going to be limited because of the “no tall buildings because of the skyline” rule. Corporations don’t need to bother establishing themselves in Charleston when they can go to Charlotte or Atlanta and have a much easier time; there’s little point building up near a port city if everything near the water is reserved for historical monuments and tourist traps.
And all the people here do look alike. The young girls wear the same dresses and white shorts in the summer, the guys wear military uniforms or that distasteful navy blazer/khaki chino Charleston fashion misstep, and the older crowd sticks to their generic southern look out of a magazine. While you find a place here and there with the facsimile of a subculture around it, it’s just the theme for one business that will be gone in 2-4 years.
Charleston is the biggest tourist trap – it’s a city full of history and great sights and it’s voted so highly in polls and magazines, but you can see everything it has to offer in a single summer, and then you’re just stuck in something like a marriage with someone that ran out of stories on the third date.
I wish you luck in Atlanta. I’m being overly harsh on my home, but the truth is that unless you’re a lifer that settled down, there’s nothing really in Charleston to do for an adventurer. Combine all of that with the dismal state of SC and the consistently poorer finances of the south, Charleston is just for the college kids to live on the beach and the older people to settle in relative warmth. It’s the perfect anti-wanderlust city.
White people lived in those homes before the blacks you moron.
We don’t want your cultural marxism here and the lack of cultural marxism is why the city is voted best time after time.
These people are crazy… And Goose Creek is 20 minutes from downtown… But I guess you’d actually have to live in chuck town to know that.
I hate that people have attacked in you a vicious manner instead of civilly telling you they think you are incorrect because it makes everyone who disagrees with you seem just as close-minded and unworthy of a second glance. I hope that this will maybe better explain what I imagine most of those people really to say:
I am one of those people who completely disagree with you and I have to say I wasn’t just offended, I was downright pissed off because of how baseless the majority of your opinions are, and because I know after a such a long, whole, six months and multiple trips throughout your life that you know all there is to know about Charleston. At least enough to come onto the internet and present those opinions in an extremely self-assured, aggressive, acidic, self-righteous, disgusted, accusatory, and judgmental tone. A tone that has now garnered an equally aggressive, self-rightous, acidic, disgusted, accusatory, and judgmental toned response that you are unhappy with. I will tell you that I too was one of those people that had the “She’s just a single bitter woman” pop up in my head, but it wasn’t because you said you were single and 34. In fact, I know quite a few amazing, incredible, strong women that are well above that age that are single, have never been married and are in no rush to get married, and funnily enough, the majority of them I met while both they and I lived on the Charleston Peninsula. I thought that because of your TONE and LANGUAGE. You get what you give, sorry hun thats life. This is the internet, free speech, hoo-hah, whatever, but there are ways of presenting opinions that are not so insulting and terrible
There are so, so, SO, many points that I want to pull from this article, points that I could immediately discredit. For instance, just like in Atlanta, mountains are only a few hours upstate. The time would be like a drive to the beach from Atlanta. Except here, the beach, the ocean, and the rivers, they’re everywhere, right next door, and they offer boating, kayaking, paddling boarding, floating, fly-boarding, and more. If you didn’t love the water, why did you come here? That is just a Day One piece of knowledge that every person should have about Charleston, it’s pretty damn obvious.
As far as other activities: Downtown there are festivals, food truck rodeos, outdoor concerts, The Joe for baseball, the Farmer’s Market is huge and incredible, this isn’t even a drop in the bucket. The parks in every section of Charleston, literally every section, even miles from King Street, are magnificent. In the next couple of years The Cigar Factory is opening a food market, much like the ones in big cities all over the country.
And do not say a damn thing about traffic: You. Are. From. Atlanta. What, are you expecting to go back and it to only take a hop, and a skip to get from point A to Point B? Get real. Traffic woes are ten times worse in Atlanta. I can’t believe you really had the gall to bring that up.
As far as “lifers”, most “lifers” wear that badge with pride, and I doubt you’ve offended them. Having lived on the peninsula for over two years, and then spending more time in surrounding areas, I’d say at least 75% of the people I met were not from this area, or even this state.
As a 21 year old white girl, my two best friends are black guys that would most definitely shock the hell out of you after seeing their style, and then how they speak. And no, I am not making that up for the sake of this argument. I got to know them because of their’s and mine’s time in Charleston.
As far as food, you didn’t travel off the beaten path food wise, and that’s no one’s fault but your own, there are tons of small delis, small taverns, small restaurants in awesome locations. Even on the islands and beach towns you will find so many amazing start up restaurants that don’t cost a lot.
It is insulting that you make such broad assumptions after you’ve spent a mere 6 months here. I’m sorry your time here was so terrible, but if you are anything like the article you wrote and posted here then I can definitely see why it was.
I think what you are failing to recognize is that what you consider to be charleston people are in fact northen transplants like yourself. Yes, it is a city filled with men who never want to grow up and people who think there side of town is better than others, but…again most of those people aren’t actually born and raised in charleston. They aren’t true locals. Most of us that are, actually did leave for a while beacaue we needed a change and aren’t afraid to step out of our “bubble.” So, yes, some of what you said is offensive. And, I am still wondering what is so wrong with going on a boat every weekend in the summer or heading to the beach. Just because it’s not your idea of fun doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with it.
What are you talking about there are Tons of sushi places in Charleston. I used to be vegan and there’s plenty of places for a vegan to eat. And lots of ethnic food. You have to go to more than one area of town. I don’t know where you are getting your information from.
Well… He only mentioned a Buckhead snob once… I live in Nashville and I may make a comment about a “Brentwood snob” but I’m still talking about Nashville. Buckhead is just as much ATL as Mt. Pleasant (who The author of this article mentions) is still Charleston. And yes being mugged is definitely a possibility in ATL. Don’t kid yourself.
no words other than you won’t be missed.
You’re completely ignoring the points I’m making. the face that it was a list of ONE DAY represented how much there is to do. If you clicked right you’d see it lists for EVERY day. Furthermore, you insisted that downtown prices and Mt Pleasant prices weren’t far off.
“Jess, you’re right, that is a downtown price, but Mount Pleasant is not far off, only by a couple hundred of dollars a month”
Which was my whole point by saying how much my apartment was in Mt. Pleasant. I can rent the same amount of space in West Ashley for about 900 (about half what I pay here).
And of COURSE downtown prices are a premium. Little space+density=high prices. The same is true of Atlanta. Furthermore, companies are very much growing around here. My company went from 20 people to now 200 people in 3 years. No, it’s not easy to find a job, but more and more companies are coming here.
You’re the one nitpicking my statements here.
Seriously, with exactly four turns from my driveway (Turn onto Red Bank, turn onto North Rhett, turn onto I-526, and turn onto I-26) I can be downtown. I drove to CineBarre in Mt. Pleasant (just off the Ravenel) in 22 minutes, going through downtown, the other day.
Secondly, the moot point comes from the fact that the author’s points aren’t supported in any specific way. She says things similar, ‘Charleston is boring, I couldn’t find anything to do’ but doesn’t say what she did to try. Or, ‘Mt. pleasant guys are vanilla and uninteresting’, but doesn’t say why. (They’re arrogant, or conversations with them showcase a limited worldview, or what have you) She doesn’t back up her points with anything more qualitative than vague statements. As a result, there is not much journalistic value. THAT is why her points are moot.
Let me give you an example of what I mean. When I first came to Charleston, I was expecting people to be more friendly. I was living with several other officers in a house in North Charleston. When I arrived, I made some baked goods, dressed up in a nice suit, and went door-to-door, delivering gifts to my neighbors to get to know them. Not a single person ever responded with even a ‘thanks’. THAT is a defined criticism, and an example of what happened to me when I first arrived.
On a side note, have you even been to San Francisco? That place is godawful. I grew up in the central valley of California, and every time I visited SF, I was disgusted by the mounds of trash in the streets, the ever-present smell of urine and human feces, the cramped, humorless housing and depressing fog. A broom closet there will cost as much or more than anything in downtown Charleston.
For the record… I have lived in ATL as well. If you want to talk about a stuck up dating scene, that one takes the cake.
I am awe-struck every time someone from out-side of Charleston says that there is nothing to do here. They obviously aren’t looking. There is always good music, a festival or two (not to mention Charleston Fashion Week, Spelato, and SEWE) and you have the Francis Marion National Forrest nearby. Yes, if like mountains, you may have to drive a few ours for that, but every thing else is close at hand.
It seems to me that your article is not an opinion, but rather, a judgement. You claim that you were a happy person prior to your move to Charleston and your choice to be single at 34 (which marriage is a choice and I respect yours), but you judge and stereotype every DIFFERENT type of man that you met. My question #1 is that if you want to be a single woman, then why were you so concerned about the available men to date? #2 why were you a member of Tinder? (With all of the searching for a man, I’m wondering what your agenda was if the end result was not to find a relationship or dare I say…. a husband. #3 Why are you so disheartened by married women who have children? Is it possible that you think that us wives and mothers have only lived and planned for these titles? Could it not be that some of us lived and partied and dated and did “me”… then we may have unexpectedly been suprised by meeting someone that we chose not to be without. After that someone asked for a lifetime commitment we chose to commit and out of love had some crazy little kids that we hope will be who they dream of being, but never criticize or judge what others are.
My point is you make your choices and I truly hope that they are your choices rather than being a single miserable person that could not catch a man or make a true fiend in the place that I call home because… bless your heart… you are an arrogant b*tch? Oops, I forgot… I’m supposed to be a Southern lady… but I did bless your heart. And I should bless it again because… just because you move back to Atlanta… it’s not going to change who you are. A single 34 year old woman that claims to be single yet is man hunting in bars and dating websites (it’s either not your choice or you chose to be a whore… who knows ) and I’m sure you are “doing you” because no one else will. In addition the friends that you think you have are either as miserable as you are or as fake as the wonderful people of Mt Pleasant are (as you suggest… but most of them are either truly nice people or are probably from Atlanta. ) So…. bye**** PS don’t mess with us southerners… and Atlanta is NOT southern anymore… darlin.
How are your “facts” more legitimate than mine? I gave you my rent, I also paid $1,200 for a three bedroom in WA and $1,600 for the same size in Mount Pleasant. Downtown was unlivable, hence why I moved off of the peninsula. The beach is expected to be high, too.
One link to an article in the P&C for ONE DAY proves nothing. You’re just upset and trying to keep nitpicking away at little variables that are totally relevant to one individual’s experience and also preferences. One size does not fit all.
You make the comment “fortunate to make enough.” THAT’S the problem! There a very little jobs available to justify these housing prices. Sure, we’ve brought in a handful of companies in the past few years, but we can’t expect Boeing to carry the city, or a small tech firm that maybe employs 20 people at the most.
I find it interesting you had to write an entire article to convince yourself that your living situation was the problem and not your own inadequecies. I get it, you stepped out of your ATL bubble, things were different, and now you’re retreating back to your comfort zone. Maybe you can try moving again in another decade or so, or just continue to be one of those “lifers” in Atlanta.
I don’t mean this in a rude way at all, but after 5 years I felt worse!
I think you’ve offered the most fair assessment, IMO.
Could not have been said better! She probably only lived there two weeks and never searched for the things she is complaining about. It takes work to make a new city feel like home.
It sounds like to me she needs to head to “Hippieville” aka “Trashville, NC” or better known as Asheville, NC!!!
They are def “all kinds of kinds” there!!! Right up her alley! I should know! I was born and raised there and would not trade Charleston for “Trashville” ever!!! Besides, I’m a Brunette and my husband and I don’t wear the bow tie thing and we don’t feel out of place here! We did notice a lot of Blondes when we first moved here. But for crying out loud doesn’t the sun and beaches turn hair and skin color different??? Uuummmmm yes! We in fact, witnessed much nicer people here in Charleston than we ever got back home in Asheville!!!
If she wants camping and a hippieish atmosphere try “Trashville, NC!” Or Asheville,NC!
I guarantee she’ll get what she’s bargaining for there!!! LOL!!!
I’ve lived in Atlanta for 6 years and Charleston for 8. You’re the one who is completely ignoring everything said to you. What you’re saying is not “fact”. I provided you a link of events happening JUST TODAY. Many of which are….free….and you’re still denying it. I provided you with exactly how much I’m paying for my apartment…and again, you’re denying it. Paying $500 for an Attic during college. Well, you were in college. I lived in one room with 4 girls for $1200 a semester is college. That’s what you do…then you move to a place where prices are more reasonable, or you are fortunate enough to make enough to still live there. There are plenty of options outside of downtown for reasonable amounts.
Don’t jump the gun yet. It takes time to see the beauty in a city. I believe it takes two years to fully appreciate it. I moved to Charleston fans felt the same way at first. I don’t understand why people expect it to feel like home right away. It takes time. You will find the diversity; it’s there I promise.
Charleston is only boring if you’re boring… Charleston is only culture-less if you’re not willing to seek out the culture. As someone who left Charleston to go to college and subsequently spent a few years living in Washington, DC (read “culture”!!!) I disagree with your assessment and take offense to some of the insults you threw in; however, everyone is entitled to his (or her) own opinion of a place and, more appropriately here, a people. I hope you find what you’re looking for in your next zip code.
I felt the same way when I first moved to Charleston. That being said, how long have you been there? I believe it takes two years to really fully see and understand a city / town. If you have only lived there two months you have no business writing an article like this. Charleston does have that diversity. You can’t keep comparing it to Atlanta. Atlanta is a much bigger city, of course there will be more to do and more people there. You can’t move to a new city expecting a miracle to happen. Its hard! I now live in Colorado; days a way from family and friends. It takes time to meet and make friends and feel comfortable in a new city. I think you may have jumped the gun a little.
Why not just go away quietly without feeling the need to offend a lot of people. Narcissism is what comes to my mind here and narcissistic people usually think they know everything but really do not. They are usually miserable people and do not know it and try to shift their misery briefly to others to feel better briefly. Misery loves company. But I know what you are up to and really do not feel upset about your opinion in any way. I would not gratify you with the ability to control my feelings. Good luck with marketing. It may not be your nitch. Have you thought about therapy?
It’s not misinformation, it’s facts. It’s why it’s hard for 20-30 year old people to thrive in this town, especially in the creative community, who are consistently moving to greener pastures like Austin, San Francisco and yes, even Atlanta. You seem so offended and are being rude at the fact that you cannot admit that you have no idea what you’re talking about. I have LIVED this. I paid $500 not including utilities to live in an ATTIC in Charleston during college and worked three jobs to try to survive. Don’t come at me saying I’m denying what I’ve lived for almost 10 years.
It’s ok if you want to ignore all evidence and believe something that’s simply not true as I’ve already proven. Just stop spreading the misinformation to other people
amen!!! I moved here 7 years ago from Seattle and would die to move to Atlanta. This place truly is small boring and no room for change. A boring dried up city with a grim idea of culture. Thank you!
I don’t know, you’re working awful hard to try to prove me wrong so far.
Sorry if I don’t want to go to a baseball game every day. You used fashion week as an example, they have no tickets below $45.
I’ve lived in all neighborhoods over a period of years in this city, West Ashley, Folly, Mount Pleasant and Downtown included. You’re exaggerating on rent prices, they are not that far off. I love Oriental Garden too, but it’s only a matter of time before Mount Pleasant’s hole-in-the-walls are gone just like those are long gone from Downtown.
I too moved to and from Charleston from a big city. I can relate to what the writer said, but I take a different perspective.
First off, the diversity, and the lack of food options. If you haven’t lived in a big city you dont realize how spoiled you can become with having multiple choices for ethnic restaurants. I craved so many different foods because there would either be just one or none of the type of food I wanted. Seriously, two indian restaurants and they are across the street from each other in west ashley. One decent vietnamese place in MtP.
Basically, the answer to most of her issues is smaller population. With a larger population you will have a larger dating pool, food scene, job industry, ethnic background, variety of things to do, etc. When you are used to the dense population supporting this infrastructure then naturally you feel like you are missing out.
With larger population comes its own issues, like traffic, and expensive housing.
Both offer their positives and negatives. While I could write a similar article as this one, I could also do it for my home town. I had to move back for work reasons, but loved my time there. But I also missed my home, friends and family. But it was worth it to find out what life was like elsewhere and I would definitely recommend Charleston as long as you set the expectations. I applaud the writer for writing this because it does highlight things to be aware of.
no, many are free or really cheap. Riverdogs tickets are like $10. Now go to Atlanta and try to see a game for that cheap. Not going to happen.
I started to go through that list and try to pick out the free things, but I realized I didn’t want to work that hard to make a point. I counted at least 5 free events and many more less than $10….
Charleston is not for everyone and neither is Atlanta…you must first be prepared for a little southern charm. A hello from every single person you pass…and for someone to continue to hold the door when you are 150 feet back…and as far as the sameness of the people…this is a college town…frat guys are alot alike, sorority girls are alot alike, hipsters are alot alike….you are in a town where people there are going to be very similar people…the food here is also going to be similar as it is a culinary town where you usually do find alot of expensive fine dining but my god martha lou gadson fries up the best chicken below the mason dixon line…and there are plentyyyy of other options outside of fine dining and aouthern cuisine. But enough of that…what I really wanted to get at was your hobbies…fishing, hiking, the woods, eating, writing…ALL PEOPLE DO IN CHARLESTON IS FISH, PLAY IN THE WOODS, BE OUTSIDE, WRITE, EAT…and then go to bars…every other building is a bar…sure we may not have huge nightclubs but if you really do like a good whisky…charleston is your place. If you dont feel comfortable here thats completely understandable…but the hate…girl the hate is at an all time high whewwwwwie!!!!
America’s Friendliest City as long as you don’t stay. It is a good place to visit and if you don’t know any better, an ok place to live. For most who have lived and thrived in a major city this place is a nightmare.
Not it’s really not as expensive in Mt. Pleasant as it is downtown. I rent 1,700 for a large 3-bedroom apartment with an unobstructed view of the Cooper River from my porch (no way you could pay that downtown). And it’s new construction….and it’s not waaaay down in Park West. You just have to look around more for a good value. Meanwhile, West Ashley is like 1/2 the price of Mt. Pleasant, not too much farther to get downtown (although you have to fight rush hour traffic a little more, but Atlanta is much worse).
Yes, there is a large variety of food. One of the best sushi I’ve ever had came from Oriental Garden. A little hole in the wall place in Mt Pleasant, but so good. You have to explore here to find the good stuff (or know how to use the internet).
Another point to be made about these “events” – very little are free, or below a $50-$100 ticket price. Not everyone can afford that.
You nailed it exactly. We just moved to Charleston from a major city and I was in the process of writing a very similar piece to yours. I’ve met quite a few people here hoping to get away soon – we are not alone. Wish I’d met you while you were here! Thanks for writing – really enjoyed reading this.
First, Goose Creek is NOT Charleston, it is NOT 20 minutes away and isn’t even in the same county. That point, is moot.
And Just because she finds certain aspects of the city undesirable that you like, does not make her point moot.
haha good idea, TC!
I’m sorry that were expecting more city life, but babe we’re a big city with a small town soul…you need to understand that I am a “lifer”, and love it..I’ve been everywhere from Florida to Montana and ain’t no place like home…There’s a reason Charleston has been named the #1 city in the U.S. four years in a row…sorry you’re so stuck up, it’s ok..Us southern folk forgive you…
Atlanta is the arm pit of the south. I would rather live in Detroit than the Atl. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Jess, you’re right, that is a downtown price, but Mount Pleasant is not far off, only by a couple hundred of dollars a month, which isn’t much.
Cost of living includes gas, taxes, groceries, etc. Charleston is vastly overpriced even compared to Summerville.
And no, there is not a ton of variety in food. There is one Indian restaurant that I can think of in West Ashley. Very little as far as vietnamese, thai, hell even sushi options are limited in this coastal town. Charleston’s culinary scene might be on the up, but it’s expensive and overpriced too. I’ve gotten better meals in much larger cities for a cheaper price.
She’s just trying to get clicks on her website by making a bunch of controversial statements. Sure, sometimes, the location makes a difference. But, moreover, it’s the people you meet that make the food taste good, the bars fun, and the adventures memorable. Charleston and Atlanta are both great cities with different stuff to do. So are a lot of other cities and towns in this area. It would have been nice to have heard of your website for something other than running down our city to get clicks.
I think you’re right on the money with your comments CSJTFJ. With regard to finding events, it’s actually really easy to find lists of events in Charleston if you do a little googling. (I just googled and today there’s Charleston fashion week going on). If it’s not your thing, wait a week and there will be something new. There’s usually several things going on, on any given day to boot. There’s also lots of sports teams you can join. If you can’t find something to do in this town, you’re not trying!
How much you want to bet she will keep coming back to visit Charleston?
“We launched in 2011 as a platform for spreading good news about the South.” -(-Your words)…If you are spreading Pretty Southern Charm,please do so, otherwise write a blog about how you really dislike any place in the South except Atlanta,where your family resides!!
I lived in Charleston,SC for 23 years. Moved to Los Angeles 18 years ago! You want to talk diversity?
Maybe you should travel a little more and LIVE a little more,before you trash a beautiful city like Charleston, SC..Oh yes, as soon as I retire-Charleston,SC. will be my home once again.BTW- I love LA and lived in Atlanta for a while…Nothing but trash mostly…I said,Mostly!!!
If you really want to FEEL diversity—MOVE TO LOS ANGELES!!! Dare YA!! LOL
Why would you even write an article like this in the first place? It makes you look pretty bad. Besides, what are you talking about same/vanilla? Not in West Ashley, which you apparently never came to. And I’ll bet when you move back to Atlanta, you’ll move to another “vanilla” neighborhood.
There’s very little OLD and original left. I should know.Not all of the old was an exclusive inner circle . And as part of the same, I can tell you: not all of us graduated from private school. You say exclusive: I say not. I say tired of being snubbed for being the definition of original. Most of us have had to leave several generations old homes we never had to lock because of all the new that came crashing in;wanting what we spent hundreds of years creating in 5 seconds of handing over a fistful of sticky cash. Never works honey. Charleston will never be boring ever. Quiet maybe. But we’ve earned that with all the blood(black,white, indian,orriental, and more) spilled to get to where we are today. There’s nothing wrong with being single in your 30’s. One of Charleston’s most notorious bachelors was in his 50’s before settling down. You obviously never took the time to get to know our city. That’s a shame. But Honey? Most of what’s best about Old Charleston does indeed require an Invitation.your not receiving one? Was Not a snobby mistake on our part.So indeed, hate that you’ve chosen to leave, there’s always a door open for you, but a great deal of us will indeed enjoy watching you go.
To ‘Long way to go’ in especial: I have a two-bedroom, perfectly nice apartment in Goose Creek for less than 700 a month, and I’m 20 minutes from the city center. Your complaint is only viable if you insist on living on the peninsula downtown.
To the author: I’m not a permanent resident of the Charleston area. I’m a military officer currently stationed there, and on my way out as well.
That being said, I have two minds in regards to this article:
Firstly, I can somewhat agree with the ‘boring’ part, but only because I am not exploratory. I believe that Charleston is full of things to do, but that the city tends to be less advertising of these things than they could be. But I can understand that feeling.
As for the rest: Are you complaining that Charleston doesn’t feel like a big city? Because I would say that the vast majority of people who like Charleston like it because it does NOT feel like a big city. Personally, I abhor city life. You couldn’t drag me to NYC, or any similar venue, for any reason. For that reason, I find Charleston as a city to be fairly tolerable, despite its faults. But it seems to me that you are criticizing the place for not being what you wanted it to be.
I believe you have some reasonable points–or at least impressions that could be translated into arguable points–but the vagueness of your assertions, coupled with a overarching attitude of negativity towards facets of the city which are considered desirable by others, makes this article moot.
The bashing is just the internet being the internet (that happens everywhere no matter what opinion). That said, these views are very off. It sounds like someone who’s never ventured away from downtown. There are tons of variety in food. Don’t believe me? check out yelp or urban spoon and you can see for yourself. Furthermore Paying 2,000 for rent is another “living downtown” stereotype. You can live much cheaper in other places, even Mt Pleasant, which is known to be on the expensive side. Just because you personally want to live downtown, doesn’t mean you should spread misinformation that all of Charleston is like that.
The guy with the croquet mallet isn’t from Charleston. But good try
such a shame that you faced all those bad things in Buckhead. Buckhead is not Atlanta. It was Atlanta so ten years ago… Happy you are back to
The Basics in Charleston
I live in Atlanta now. I went to College of Charleston and lived there for a time after. Charleston is a wonderful city and a great place to live. This girl just seems bitter. The city has a lot to offer, but this girl will not find it while she is sitting behind her computer complaining.
Jenn Ciccarelli, Northern transplant … that says it all.
Go back to the north yah liberal POS carpetbagger
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
Northern transplant
What a twat! If Charleston is not for you then move on, but don’t run down our great city because you moved here and found out you don’t fit in! No one ever said our culture was for everybody, but it works for us! Ba Bye!
Charleston is not for city folks. But keep in mind Charleston was voted America’s most friendly city in 2011, 2013 and 2014. Also the top vacation spot in the world recently. Just saying.
I love Charleston and lived there for several years. If it’s not for you that’s fine but I’d just like to point out the following line from your About page:
“We launched in 2011 as a platform for spreading good news about the South.”
This post isn’t “spreading good news” at all which goes against the supposed “purpose” of this blog. Have you ever heard of the Southern phrase “If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all?”
You and me both. This weekend, I am moving back to Charleston after spending 5 years in this author’s beloved Atlanta. I am glad to change places with her.
If you are against vanilla so much then head back to Atlanta for some chocolate. I’m sure there is plenty there to fulfill your “dark” desires.
Yeah! What you said. 🙂
I’m decidedly unclear how so many of you could be offended by the opinion of a stranger, but you’ve made some incorrect assumptions about me that we need to clear up.
I’m 34 and unmarried by choice. This close-minded thinking that something must be wrong with me for making choices that are dissimilar to yours is PRECISELY why I an leaving Charleston. If you all choose the same path, excellent. For those of us who decided to make our own, well, sorry that offends your delicate sensibilities.
I’m the happiest person I know. In fact, it wasn’t until moving to Charleston that I was ever unhappy anywhere. I wanted to try out a new place, it wasn’t for me; now I’m returning home to friends and family and the city I love. Bless my heart indeed. Why do YOU care if I don’t like where you live? Oh right, because Charleston is so boring there’s nothing else to do.
I’m sorry, y’all, but your comments read like children saying “FINE, WE DON’T WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU EITHER.” The good riddance and #byefelicia is right back atcha.
geez; what a whiney, stuck-up, snotty li’l bee-otch! And by the way, Little Miss Muffet, you mentioned SC seceding from the Union. um … so did Georgia. And Sherman burned Atlanta, which apparently never recovered.
I would love to know where in Charleston you lived. Born and raised on James Island in a middle class household I vehemently disagree with your opinions of this city, as they are most certainly not the facts you claim them to be. You must have only surrounded yourself with people raised off of old money, who went to private schools because they would never successfully make it in a public one. It’s safe to say you never made it west of the Ashley. If you did you probably were under the influence of something because there is plenty of diversity, people who wear reasonably priced jeans and would never look like a southern frat boy, and a lack of gravy and BBQ. I’m proud that these Charleston citizens are nothing like you, though a lot of them are Northern transplants – just like you. From the few items of credibility you listed and then snubbed, you really must have done your research based off of travel magazines. It looks like YOU were the one who didn’t branch out. Your loss. I never go to the museums or beach, I rarely go downtown. Guess why – there’s plenty of other things to do! Shocking, I know. There are people here who couldn’t care less about dating or tinder or drinking all of the time. If you have only been here for six months it means you didn’t even give a stab at summer here. Baseball season is the perfect opportunity to socialize and hang out with people your age. Or is that too ridiculous a thought? Good luck in finding a place that suits your needs. I doubt you’ll find one. And, please, gtfo if you’re going to keep accusing a Charleston as whole of the few things only accurate (and don’t even matter) of some of its parts.
I used to live in Charleston, but moved away a few years ago. In my time there it seemed to me that hardly anyone was originally from Charleston. I am surprised someone could “feel like Charleston is primarily comprised of lifers.” You really do need to spend more time getting to know people and less time stereotyping.
Despite what these other nasty commenters are here saying, I couldn’t agree with you more. Charleston still has a long way to go and everyone who denies it is part of the problem. Black families are being pushed out of the homes and neighborhoods they’ve lived in for generations so another yogurt shop or over-priced “gourmet southern eatery” can open up. Who can afford to eat at these places after paying the outrageous amount of rent and cost of living with the only jobs that seem to be available – waitressing in those restaurants! Oh, and don’t worry, the $2000 a month rent for your one bedroom will only get you a non-airconditioned and aging home that’s close to falling apart.
Unfortunately for some of us we love Charleston SO much we can bear to let it go or give up on it. There are a lot of great things about it, and you acknowledge that. It won’t improve if no one will stay and try to make changes. But it’s hard, the status quo is so grounded here, I can’t blame you for wanting to bail.
Also shame on all of you for calling her a bad person for being single at her age. This wouldn’t even be blinked at in NYC or other large cities. Another great example of just how behind on the times we are down here. You are ALL proving her point. I wonder how we keep being voted “America’s friendliest city” with vitriol like that spilling out of your mouths. See how gracious you are after just a little bit of criticism? She was even polite. Bless YOUR hearts, you hypocrites.
I love Charleston but it’s not for everyone! Props for knowing what you want and going after it.
I have a friend from the south who’s stuck in Seattle and is so miserable. The people just don’t relate in a way that makes sense to her. Life’s way too short to endure that if you have a plan B.
It worked for me when I was single because I didn’t like a lot of male attention. I could go out with my brunette big-butt self and my blonde friend with the slammin’ body would siphon off a majority of the drunken idiots. 🙂
So a question about the sameness–I left the north ATL suburbs in 1989 for College of Charleston and there was less diversity there at the time than there was in Charleston, but do people not all dress the same in Atlanta now? Women here, for instance, wear Jack Rogers sandals like it’s their JOB. Nothing at all wrong with a pair of shoes or specific brands but it’s just…weird to me, the homogeneous dressing.
You sound like an old yankee turd.
I get the impression the author stayed on the same block for six months and never took her nose out of the Zagat guide, let alone Tinder.
Theres the door babe!
Sounds like this dope needs to get out more. You are what you surround yourself with.
Let me know when I can come help you pack. More room for me.
You’re not just a little old to be dating, you’re also a little old to be acting like a millenial. You strike me as the entitled sort that expects the world to come to her. If you couldn’t find something to enjoy in Charleston, you weren’t looking. If you couldn’t find a decent career here, it’s because you’re just not qualified or didn’t try. There’s a reason this has been called “silicon harbor”. Sleepy town? The metro statistical area has 700,000 people. Couldn’t find decent food? Are you kidding? There is something here for every palette. The hardest thing to do here is to decide where to eat. Have you even heard of Yelp? Google? Urban Spoon? Asking someone? Couldn’t find something to do? Especially liking the outdoors? Really? Two museums? Are you nuts? There are so many I haven’t yet visited, and I’ve lived here seventeen years. Your complaints about the dating scene give me the impression that you are just jealous of the women here and completely outclassed by them. That can make it difficult for a single woman here, especially an entitled one such as yourself. I’ve lived dozens of places — a northern transplant myself — and this is by far my favorite. I didn’t come here to change this place or expect it to accommodate me. I came here to enjoy it and make a life here for myself. I recommend you do the same wherever you end up. You expect the world to come to you and for your happiness to arrive on your doorstep. Try looking inward to discover why you’re unhappy and then go out and try to get what you want rather than expect it to come looking for you. But please, do your soul-searching somewhere else. It’s getting too crowded here already. Don’t come back now, ya’hear?
Specifically from what I just read, I can see why you are still single. I’m sure Atlanta will welcome you back with open arms. Please let anyone else interested in moving here, expecting their lives to change for the better, your amazing story of bitter loneliness and how it’s the city’s fault. If you hurry, you can be back in Atlanta by 9:00, and dating by 9:15. Godspeed.
You took the words out of my mouth…. Thank you! At least I know now that not all the “South” is like this place. We too will hopefully leave as soon as we can financially recover from moving this this economic disaster they have here. Best of luck to you 🙂
My only comment is did you receive an invitation to come to Charleston?
We are glad you are leaving and wish you would take more people with you-
Are you kidding? You have to make yourself available to our culture before you get all “snippy”. Quite frankly, if you truly feel as though Charleston is boring you can always leave. There will be plenty of others waiting to get in.
I love Charleston and did not grow up here but made it my home by choice.
Charm Altman
Funny story because I actually lived in Charleston, moved to Atlanta and moved back. Atlanta was great to visit. I loved doing all of those cool things there so I moved there. Once I did, that city showed its ass to me.
Suddenly I realized that being a tourist is different than being a resident. Kind of like holding someone else’s baby. Once you have had enough, you just give it back. Shit starts crying, just give it back. Baby pooped itself, give it back. Problem is, once Atl became my baby, I couldn’t give it back. I was stuck bottle feeding it, changing it, and watching it get older right before my eyes. I was like, “Holy crap the Coca Cola factory is NOT fun, CNN tours are boring, and I have seen the Beluga whale 800 times now.
People in Atlanta were different for sure. See there was me, this polite southern gent from Charleston who would open the doors for people of any race or gender, I would greet strangers, I would try to be NICE to people. None of them returned that favor. Well just kidding some would appreciate the gesture or greet me back. Those people were called tourists.
But the final straw came when I was in fear of my life on a daily basis. I wish I could joke and say it was because of Zombies or something, but the truth is it was from crackheads, homeless crazies, or the snobby bitches in Trader Joe’s up in Buckhead. They WILL run you over.
So while I feel that Atlanta might have been the problem, I think the real problem was with me not adapting. And I mean at 34 and single for whatever reason, I guess we can argue that you are having the same problem?
Bless Your Heart.
Head on back to Atlanta. Enjoy the MARTA and your ridiculous traffic. No one asked you to move much less think you can just bash our town. Sounds like you have some personal issues. 34, single, yet you were apparently speed dating in Atlanta and no one wanted you. Tsk, Tsk. Bye Felicia!!
This writer can literally go shove this article in her white dainty derriere and call it a day. Please move back to Atlanta, we don’t want you here or your stuck up opinions- you Ma’am are more stuck up than the city you so call say is.
Lawdy! Will take my beautiful Charleston over grid-lock Atlanta nay old day of the week. Bless your heart child.
I agree David, I have lived in California, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Kentucky, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee and in Charleston, SC. I have met some wonderful people and had wonderful, memorable times in every one of those places. I guess I am fortunate that i know how to meet people and enjoy the best of my situation or surroundings. I travel often still but I plan on living in Charleston the rest of my life. One thing I would never do, is listen to someone who writes articles like this. I think this person could use some self reflection before tearing others and other things down to prop herself up. But unfortunately what I think could really be going on here, is that this girl knows that this stance about Charleston would get a reaction and it helps her get her stories read. Either way it is a negative way to deal with life, personally i lie things to be more positive.
BY, you just confirmed the article points with your 7 words, LOL.
Life is what you make it. It does not matter where you live. Did you people think somehow Charleston was going to magically make you happy? happiness comes from within yourself not from some external force. You people who are blaming Charleston for your own happiness really need to look inward at yourself for the cause of your unhappiness.
I could not agree more. I’ve lived all over the country & Charleston was absolutely awful. Felt like I was on another planet.
Now if only your sentiments could be expressed to all of the 40ppl moving here a day. Maybe see if you can get this article in Conde Nast.
oh wow can i relate to this! Moved there from Atl 5 years ago and moved back about two years later. I love the beach and think the area is beautiful but man did i hate it there. Met some other ATL folks there that hated it too. They left shortly after i did! Its just its own strange bubble and i def did not fit into it!